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Lookin for Faction Guild


Lookin for Faction Guild

Doesn't matter as long as the guild has some type of voice communication program they use, and are active not just a one day flick guild. Lookin for a guild sort of like Death on the Battlefield(Viewing them as a big and active guild), I have had over 2.5 years experience on the game. On and off Played between Year 2001-2002 and started playin a little over a year and a half ago.

Character Setup:
Magery/Lumberjacking/Anatomy/Tactics/Swords/Resist - 80/Med - 70/Eval - 50 = Made to be setup that way.

Del Pods Level - 9 atm workin on 10, My Fencer is lvl 10 but currently banned for tellin a gm the truth about there little virgin girl scout chars.