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Looking for Active Well organized Minax Guild

Rob A*G

Looking for Active Well organized Minax Guild

My current guild is going CoM and i dont like faction hopping so im looking for a guild that uses either TS or Vent and has good organazation not point whores please :) thanks. AIM me at crazy19

If you have any other question let me know ill be happy to answer them.


You might be able to join DJs but you will have to roll with us fer a bit so we can see if yer in our league =O

Rob A*G

Ok sounds good i heard Dj's were pretty good let me know what i should do i have all the tools TS Vent Mirc hook me up with the info AiM me at crazy19
That's saying alot. I remember fighting PF and they were wicked good.

It was like fighting a force of me, eraxor and krrios. Just good :(


lel if that was a flame, very gg guys ^^

I do not see why Elton, Wu, and ecspecially you would talk shit for the fact you have never EVER fought me one v one or my guild =O

I know you have Lud, but I woudlnt call you there with ten tamers a fight ;O

I have mad respect for all of you tbh, but I dont see why you would jump on a thread and start talking shit ^^

I will gladly dOOl any of you and I can gurantee I win atleast 2/3 npnp ^^


and I can easily say DJs > CiA as me and Josh proved in a 2v3 and dropped two of yer guys while the other ran to there brit house =<
Ejin said:
lel if that was a flame, very gg guys ^^

I do not see why Elton, Wu, and ecspecially you would talk shit for the fact you have never EVER fought me one v one or my guild =O

if you look over my post again you would understand that i was talking shit to wu

(it was just a joke)
1v1 duel does not equal field fighting or represent your guild

1v1 field fight doesnt either, more like 2 or 3 + ( field fight, not duel)


eh larson i gurantee my guild could drop many people 3v3 =\

and sorry botu that elton i thought u were referring to mah guildzor =<