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Looking for creative and experienced roleplayers


Looking for creative and experienced roleplayers


I'm currently looking for a few solid role players to help me get a project off the ground. I recently purchased all the houses within the Hidden Valley West of Trinsic Moongate and I found this a perfect place to have some solid role play interactions without the threat of grievers. All these jobs will be paid weekly as long as your shifts are covered.

I currently have 3 buildings built open to the role play community.

The first is a Tavern called the Ravens Nest. The Tavern will be ran by 2 bartenders and one guard. The guard will enforce the rules of the tavern will be posted both at the bar and at the end of this post. The bartenders will serve drinks and interact with the patrons. There are no character requirements or restrictions for these positions with the exception of the guard, I expect you to be able to handle yourself in any combat situation.

The second will be a blacksmiths and rune library, Ive already started the rune library it contains a partial mining library, a full Tmap library and the basics of dungeons and city's. eventually Vendors will be places here also.

The third will be an Inn. Which will be ran by an innkeeper. Here you can friend your characters if they are too drunk or its to late for them to return to there proper homes.

There is one final building but due to damages from a alchemy fire, the building is out of commission and deemed unsafe for anyone to enter.

I'm more interested in solid role playing then a decorated PvP record. Personally I'd rather have creative role players with there own idea's and own stories about there characters then forcing them into roles that they might not fully be interested in.

I'd like this to be a neutral meeting ground for the role play community, A way for rival guilds to interact and build story lines without having to stalk each other guild houses. while I will not allow any combat in my buildings (without permission) I do encourage you to feel free to fight outside there walls. I currently have the support of [GRD] leadership, so expect to find off duty guardsmen around this area.

Hours and rules of the Tavern.

Hours of operations are still up in the air. After I get a solid team together we will have more set times. As of now please feel free to contact me and I will inform you of when the Tavern will be open.


1. No Horses inside the building

2. No weapons or offensive magic within the bar, fights must be taken place outside.

3. Be respectful of all bar staff

4. No outside food or drink, tipping is encouraged. (Please bring gold!)

5. Any out of character (OOC) activity will not be tolerated

Punishment for breaking any of these rules will result in you being removed from the bar, if problems persist you will be banned.

Questions comments? Contact me at: DereanFTW



Re: Looking for creative and experienced roleplayers

This looks like it will truly be a great thing once it gets rolling. Keep up the good work, sir!


Re: Looking for creative and experienced roleplayers

am Urkz ulluwd tu kum agh hab sum drinkie?

Nice plot you have going.


Re: Looking for creative and experienced roleplayers

Thanks guys,

Mar'gugl - Yes! Please come! I want lots of Orcs here! I want the scum of the earth in my tavern aswell as the bravest hero's. I feel like this will give alot of opportunities to get alot of storylines going. I have some of my own that involve the people of the city but I need some decent traffic before I can move forward with those plans.

Mu'gugl shoot me a message on my AIM when you get a chance and I can give you more info.
Re: Looking for creative and experienced roleplayers

Not that I encourage people to get away from what a great thing the staff has given us (the island), but this does seem like a very good place to get some interaction going. Player run taverns have always been a great place for people to meet and actually talk instead of just PvP.

I really hope this idea helps the community and i support it 100%.
Re: Looking for creative and experienced roleplayers

Nice place you got there, i look forword to rping with you. I stopped by earlier today and the bar doors were locked!


Re: Looking for creative and experienced roleplayers

Great idea, but Ive seen a lot of great ideas like this or guild ideas etc that just never happened or if they did the dedication wasn't good enough and it soon failed. So all i can say is Good luck, stay dedicated, and i hope it works out!
Re: Looking for creative and experienced roleplayers

I'll have to check this place out.

Let me speak for most role players that are left when I say that, no matter what happens, this is very, very appreciated. I can only say that it will be a challenge to find a sufficient amount of role players to 'stock' the town though, hehe.


Re: Looking for creative and experienced roleplayers

Vas - I actually was considering keeping the Taverns door locked during none-business hours, but after some more consideration I think i'll leave the doors open. I also encourage you guys to shoot me a message if you stop by. my AIM is in a book by the front door of the house. If i'm free ill jump online and serve you a few cocktails =)

I don't want you guys to think im trying to bring activity away from the island. Its great that the staff offers this to us and i'd like to take advantage of it more. This just gives up another outlet and a place a little more safe from PKs.

Again thanks for the support. I will be posting something soon under the scenario section as far as me having a grand opening of the tavern. Look forward to seeing you folks there!
Re: Looking for creative and experienced roleplayers

Has this taken off at all?

I've been around a few times to no avail.

Maybe post times of operation? I know a lot of people would rather have a place to meet at a certain time rather than just wondering around looking for RP.


Re: Looking for creative and experienced roleplayers

Going to do an opening this Thursday ( 9/3/09) at 7PM Pacific time.

I'm going to post something more formal now under general discussion. Hope to see you all there =)


Re: Looking for creative and experienced roleplayers

Arr!! To bad it's so late for me. 2 hours after midnight (GMT do sucks sometimes) else I would be there for the grand opening. Not that I am much of RP'er but I know how to handle myself in RP situations. ;)


Re: Looking for creative and experienced roleplayers

Wanted to say thank to everyone who came by tonight! I felt like everything went well! I'll schedule a few more times in the next week and hopefully we can have more of the community come out.


Re: Looking for creative and experienced roleplayers

could you scheadule something in the weekends too? would make it possible for us Europeans to participate (since some of us work daytime, which it is atm).. ;)


Re: Looking for creative and experienced roleplayers

Yeah I'm thinking of doing something this sunday during the day, as soon as I get some bar help i'll be able to be open a more hours when im not around.


Re: Looking for creative and experienced roleplayers

Yes, please let us know of the schedule for events. I would love to participate!