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Looking to join Faction Guild

Looking to join Faction Guild

I never really played factions alot because i was striktly a pk since i started playing here. The pking is getting rather gay now and i want to try out factions. I have one char that i have joined factions with a few times but soloing in factions is almost impossible with all the ganks. So im just looking for an active guild that is recruiting.


No its not, people just dont want to log in and deal with lame pvpers such as yourself hunts.

That and no guild has faction loyalty


if you call faction pvp people sitting at del pond doing nothing then i guess it isnt dead then

this shard's turned into two kinds of sitters: bank sitters and del pond sitters


For those of you wondering "what the fuck happened to factions?" I have an answer. Retarded CLs hired retarded FMs and Sherifs, the towns were drained, the peasants revolted, people point-muled and point-farmed and now, noone can be bothered anymore.


kumba how am i a lame pvp'er, i dont get it you rolled with ic you did the same things i do bola and all kill but what i have added was using a beetle which i havent seen IC do yet. So ill forget what you said and forgive you for it. but as i know since i've been factioning for the last week, its dead.


Mr.ME>!< said:
I never really played factions alot because i was striktly a pk since i started playing here. The pking is getting rather gay now and i want to try out factions. I have one char that i have joined factions with a few times but soloing in factions is almost impossible with all the ganks. So im just looking for an active guild that is recruiting.

How is pking gay? Getting bola+ all killed in factions is "gay". Still I dont know why people refer to anything in game as homosexual.


Hunts said:
kumba how am i a lame pvp'er, i dont get it you rolled with ic you did the same things i do bola and all kill but what i have added was using a beetle which i havent seen IC do yet. So ill forget what you said and forgive you for it. but as i know since i've been factioning for the last week, its dead.

I must correct you sir. IC did not do the same things. I don't even use a tamer. No one in IC used a tamer until some time last fall. I'll admit IC made it popular, but IC made lots of things popular just be being dominant wire to wire. And that's probably why factions is so "dead" now. You guys don't have IC to fight since some of you got IC virtually kicked out with your whining.