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magic damage


eval increases spell damage so is eval more important then magery? examply should i be ok with say 105 magery and try to get 120 eval? or will having magery at 120 as well equal more damage? and hat about spell weaving do i need 120 or should 100 be fine with a focus? and nero do i need to raise necro past 100? and ss should i g oto 120?


Magery = Necromany = Chance to successfully cast spell (to not fizzle). It DOES NOT add damage.
More magery = more damage healed. If you want to cast level 8 (8th page) spells without fizzling, you need 120 magery. As for necro minimum required skill + 40 for 100% casting success (100 necro for 100% wither, 105 necro for 100% strangle).
Eval int = Spirit speak = Increase damage. The more the better.
Spellweaving adds damage every 24 points (24,48,72,96,120) and each focus level. Best choice is 96, unless its for pvp and you planning to use essence of wind, then go for 120. Spellweaving without focus is like necro without spirit speak, won't be effective.