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Master Billy Samurai


just making sure everyone saw this amazing video

You were still in diapers.
We used the same method defending the harrower that Hz has NEVER done a harrower without taking advantage of and what were the leaders words as a ghost? "I'm paging staff."
Bla bla bla always the same crap from you Billy you are crappy pvper and crappy troll. You will be posting the same screen shots 6 months from now
Lol. Everyone is pretty sure you are brain damaged Billy the special Olympic runner. I bet you jerk your gerkin to those screen shots bud. You have to do better than that if you wanna troll. Anyone who knows you from the past agrees you are a pathetic cry baby when it comes to you dying in the field. Just made me laugh hysterically when you rage logged after dying last night. Good fight at Xmas boss you dropped like a hookers panties bro
Good fight Billy the special olympics runner but you are a slow learner. :(
Billy no one cares. In two of those shot you had help. I was fucking strangled with no apples and explosions dropped on me while you kept on attacking so good job you got 3 screen shots. Try doing it without help and running like a girl for 90% of the fight. You're nerve strike fails you without help young samurai
Sorry Billy but no one ever sees anything from you but bla bla bla screen shot of gank and accidentally lucky kill same as kapero and then more bla bla bla. Real monsters like me don't need screen shots to prove shit so flaunt your propaganda till your fingers bleed. There are enough people that have fought you here that know exactly what you do.
Lol where's the screen shots of you face down Billy? Oh wait no one cares because your the only one who believes screen shots mean jack shit. Thx for insurance tho buddy ;)
Yet again 49 mins of running got you what? Dead.... Lol good job
Billy knows who we are. He just tasted dirt to us ;)

You Should show me Respect i will only respond to you If you Call me Master Billy Samurai

Young Student @zulu2401

Anthony File

@zulu2401 Your words at the vendor mall made this samurai a little upset. Lol.