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MDK = WORST faction guild


MDK = WORST faction guild

MDK should not even be in factions....at all

they refused to help in any way of stealing sigs guarding sigs helping other TB's in ganks the only reason that they are faction that i can think of is so they can show off there 1337 showscore which they aquire by either mass ganking or killing there own newbie chars.. this is not what factions is about people come on...working as a TEAM (whole TB not just MDK) CONTROLLING AND GUARDING SIGILS

i will stop on MDK for a while but theres one other person that needs to be bitched upon....

Phirehawk worst faction leader ever...according to him the only TB is PF he uses message faction for his own little enjoyment of saying "MDK sucks" or someother stupiud bullshit...we need somone that will actually LEAD a faction...somthing like uhhhhh i dunno a faction leader is suposed to do? not just sit in the duel pits 24/7

and yeah another flaming post you dont like it go fuck yourself


Uchiha~Sasuke said:
Phirehawk worst faction leader ever...according to him the only TB is PF he uses message faction for his own little enjoyment of saying "MDK sucks" or someother stupiud bullshit...we need somone that will actually LEAD a faction...somthing like uhhhhh i dunno a faction leader is suposed to do? not just sit in the duel pits 24/7

Yea, I think everyone should vote for spriggan as faction leader when i finaly get my ass on the board..... :D


Uchiha~Sasuke said:
i will stop on MDK for a while but theres one other person that needs to be bitched upon....

Phirehawk worst faction leader ever...according to him the only TB is PF he uses message faction for his own little enjoyment of saying "MDK sucks" or someother stupiud bullshit...we need somone that will actually LEAD a faction...somthing like uhhhhh i dunno a faction leader is suposed to do? not just sit in the duel pits 24/7

and yeah another flaming post you dont like it go fuck yourself
That's because he is immature. Faction leaders need to organize whole factions not just their guild. It takes someone mature to do that and he isn't. Therefore he sucks horribly at leading. So he is a follower. :p

P.S. He will get really mad when he reads this post but won't act like it only because I'm saying he will. He cares so much about this game it kills him to suck at something.


As a guild I'd say we bat over 80% (4 kills per death) quite easily (mostly outnumbered, but not always) . No this isn't a P F is so cool post, but if we had 8 archers + an axer + 4 more mages.. fighting wouldn't really be that much fun.

as for TB needing a leader... MDK doesn't really care about sigils (I'm taking thsi from the above post I actually have no fucking clue, but even if they did guard we'd come kill them.) P F dont' care about sigils, what does that leave? 3-4 newbies w/ spears at -6 points, an archer if you're lucky

good luck guarding from 1-2 decent mages. let alone an IC rape squad (thats all they ever log on for).

that is all Aloha


i really dont have a rpoblem with PF yeah they are good but they are kinda like MDK as well dont care about sig holding or anything they do in some ways but not as they should...MDK only cares about killing orange people instead of going red because they are scared too :+/ they dont wanna take the chance of ever getting attacked while they are alone (diabloick (i think thats how it is spelled) is an exception i have respect for him he rolls alone alot and can actually kill somone without 12 others with him) he also helps run sigs and such as well...truly not MDK material

iv told this to odb staight up before and asked for a duel...yet again...declined...i was called a newbie again for wanting a duel with anything goes just like the field or standard 7x rule set..wouldnt do either


See, I don't get how PF or MDK don't care for the sigils...the whole point of factions is for town control...if you don't wanna play with towns then just go O/C...factions was built for the purpose of town control.


both of em i think are O/C but they want a little more oranges i guess...why not just war alot of people...showscore...thats why they want the showscore thing there just to show people how many times they have ganked others
rofl@this thread.
Cry babies.

Earth_Crisis: this is a game. You know nothing of me in real life: so don't even try.

Being a leader in an online game is about as cool as leading in touchdowns in a football league for retarded kids.

Get a grip, fuck-stick.
Uchiha~Sasuke said:
Phirehawk worst faction leader ever...according to him the only TB is PF he uses message faction for his own little enjoyment of saying "MDK sucks" or someother stupiud bullshit...we need somone that will actually LEAD a faction...somthing like uhhhhh i dunno a faction leader is suposed to do? not just sit in the duel pits 24/7

Not a flame, I'm just curious, but aren't Faction Leaders voted into the Commanding Lord position? And hasn't P F, from like day one, been saying they don't give a fuck about sigils or anything, they just want more oranges to slaughter? So why, would TBs elect a guy who doesn't give a fuck about the Faction as leader?! On top of that, why would you want to be leader Phire if you don't care about the Faction anyway? I'm just curious, my factioner isn't quite done yet so I have no experience on here to base my judgements on, I really am just curious, hehe.


because PF voted him in
he wont be leader any longer
this week ODB will be taking over leader
and soon to come TK will rise
Being CL of a faction has 2 advantages:

Being able to send messages to your faction to make fun of the gay guild of the month: MDK.
...and being able to give positions when you control towns, and control the flow of war horses/reg vendors/bottle vendors.

Other then that, it's just, like Wu said, a big fat-ass target over my head.

Now that I've been CL, I'll never do it again.

Alot of MDK played Chesapeke, and on Chesapeke noone gave two shits about factions. They were all order and chaos, group fights. Which is why alot of the great guilds on freeshards have been from chessy. We just dont give a shit about guarding sigils. :(. Not sticking up for MDK, I am just saying like >I< they simply dont give a flying fuck about standing outside a base with three accounts logged in like 99 percent of the losers on this shard.

Factions suck, moongates suck, and anything that involves throwing GE pots to pvp sucks. I was one of the few people that hated when factions came to UOgamers. I simply hate the fact that people will run or recall to protect points. It is just fucking stupid.

Here is me on my faction character. Go to brit, have 5 people recall or run from me, go to delucia chase guy. Guy runs fast, guy jumps off mount, guy bolas me, three tamers come onscreen, I die. I get new ressed 50 times, I have - 6 points. I go pk because factions suck.

Group factions are even better! Me log in, me have many guildmembers with me, we kills 25 people with bandages and spears. We all share loot, we dont get much loot, cus everyone runs to guard turrets or recalls.

Me quit playing factions, me pk people who mule so that they can grind 50 greater explosions to pvp in factions. Me happy when they die. Me laugh. They cant afford to grind 250 pots per day to pvp, they cannot pvp. I have all their money, and weapons, I give vanquish and power weapons away, cus me no like warriors. I make friends happy. They smile.


No one gets the point that factions was made for battling for town control...the sole purpose of oranges in factions is so you can duke it out for a town. Everyone is so fucking obsessed about their points that it just completely gimps up the whole purpose. This is the reason I've pretty much stopped playing factions all together...


Not a fan of either guild, but I give P F 1000 x more respect because they can pvp atleast - mdk is ONLY numbers, period. How do I know this..? hrm: last couple days, they have "owned" me I suppose they say, I have multiple video's/screenshots of the journal and screen of 5+ orange names around my body, every single time. I will duel anyone in MDK, i will field 1v1 anyone in MDK, and I will destroy anyone in MDK, the end.

Flame me, mdk sucks ass.

- delta.