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med help


That's because the meditation formula is based off of your max mana vs your mana at the time of attempting to meditate. If you're at 20 mana with a cap of 100, then your chances of meditating are a lot slimmer (I think).

I was trying to look up the code, and that's what I translated from it. But, I don't code as my job, so I could be wrong in reading it. :D

double chance = (50.0 + (( skillVal - ( m.ManaMax - m.Mana ) ) * 2)) / 100;


Bug Huntress
double chance = (50.0 + (( skillVal - ( m.ManaMax - m.Mana ) ) * 2)) / 100;

OSI admitted the issue with Jan 5th 2007 FoF:

"Are we still supposed to always fail meditation when we have less than 60% mana, even with Legendary Meditation? I thought this was to be changed."
Wilki hinted at this on the forums, so I chased him down and got some juicy details: "So, the way the success chance is calculated worked great back in the day when you could assume that you'd have roughly equal amounts of meditation skill and mana. Now, it's possible to have quite a bit more mana than med skill, and that has caused the calculation to make you fail at a very high rate when you run out of mana
In any case, boiling it down, the formula for success chance for active meditation was designed with the assumption that you couldn't have much more than 100 mana,
and it will be adjusted so that it works as it used to no matter what your maximum mana value is."
Now, I don't have any sort of ETA on when the fix will be in, but at least now you know that we know what the issue is

Not sure if you can access this but there was a report made in Jan/2011