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Minax guild forming.


Minax guild forming.

Me and 3 other buddies who lan everynight came to this shard a couple weeks ago. We decided on SL, but were pretty unimpressed with the SL playerbase... so many fucking idiots. So I think we're headed to Minax. We're all better than average pvpers, and are tryin to get somethin started. Even if you're already guilded and in Minax, you should hit one of us up and we'll roll together... Havent met many people yet on the shard, so this would be tight ;O~
AIM = Chainsaws

top notch

ayo wuts up im siris n minax n got a guild we hold down base wit sigs n shit n field AIMs "im ill your wack" hit me up


PC rulez... siris for presidente! Yo, watch that lame ass mdk, they will attack ya if you have better looking clothes than them, and if you beat them for 700k and they still havn't paid you for it.