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top notch


ok all these little minax guilds running around and not partying up / roger wilcoin with other minax is fucking retarded, we have like 10, 5 person minax guilds and MDK.. we all need to allie togother so we can have faction wars with SL and TB instead of these 20 vs 5's and get nuked.. if anyone has any ideas on how we can solve this.. respond or something..


:\ trust me.. its better staying a 5man group then a 20 man group. I have the experience to tell you this being that im in SL


I have to agree with hunts... We had 20 man groups guarding when i was Mianx, IC would steam roll with 8 people due to organisation.

It's a bugger to get 19 people to listen to just one.

top notch

i use to roll with 20+ on GL and we were very organized and roxxord everyone,
who evers the GM, calls the targets and makes the plans, u dont listen u get ganked and kicked out, unless its retarded and someone comes up with something better, and we wud use roger wilco or TS.. w/e
What may help

What might actually help is if everybody stops just runing around brit ganking and people actually work together and here is a crazy idea Guard The Friggin Sigils. Can we please stop trading off sigils all day and start getting together at the base and guard them like we did against IC. That was when we had the most fun anyways was when we used to hold off IC for countless waves of attacks on Minax base. This goes for other factions to if you take all the sigils and guard them sure enough somebody is gonna come fight you for them.

Urinal Cake

Sephiroth said:
What might actually help is if everybody stops just runing around brit ganking and people actually work together and here is a crazy idea Guard The Friggin Sigils. Can we please stop trading off sigils all day and start getting together at the base and guard them like we did against IC. That was when we had the most fun anyways was when we used to hold off IC for countless waves of attacks on Minax base. This goes for other factions to if you take all the sigils and guard them sure enough somebody is gonna come fight you for them.

never fear.. check 6 is here.. =[