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Mixing and Matching Ram

I had to buy a new mobo (short disgusting story*) and it came with a free stick of 8gb Ballistic Crucial ram. I already have 8gb of G.Skill Ram. The G.Skill Ram is 1333 and the Crucial is 1600mhz of RAM. From what I understand the pc will just underclock the RAM to 1333mhz which is fine. They both have the same exact timing but the free RAM has 3mhz more on the voltage and is only 1 Stick where as the 1333mhz is 2 sticks.

I figure, I could boot up the reg ram and if everything works put in the other ram. Then if it doesn't post than just take it out. If it does post and is acting normal it must be fine?
Tbh that is one thing I have never tried, always had the same type, but you can mix match the speeds, but it will run on the lower one, like you said. However there might be issues with the different brands. It won't blow your pc to try it out though it will either not start up and give you the beeps from the mobo, or just not recognize the other, or have some bottle necking performance issues.


Tbh that is one thing I have never tried, always had the same type, but you can mix match the speeds, but it will run on the lower one, like you said. However there might be issues with the different brands. It won't blow your pc to try it out though it will either not start up and give you the beeps from the mobo, or just not recognize the other, or have some bottle necking performance issues.

Tbh that is one thing I have never tried, always had the same type, but you can mix match the speeds, but it will run on the lower one, like you said. However there might be issues with the different brands. It won't blow your pc to try it out though it will either not start up and give you the beeps from the mobo, or just not recognize the other, or have some bottle necking performance issues.

It just won't recognize it, worst case scenario

zoo york

Why not just run the faster 8 gig stick by itself? 8 gigs is plenty for any kind of gaming, and the added bandwidth from the faster speed will help with load times on some games. Not by a huge amount, but every bit helps. Being the first person to spawn in a new TF2 round usually adds an inch or 2 to my penis.
Why not just run the faster 8 gig stick by itself? 8 gigs is plenty for any kind of gaming, and the added bandwidth from the faster speed will help with load times on some games. Not by a huge amount, but every bit helps. Being the first person to spawn in a new TF2 round usually adds an inch or 2 to my penis.

it is more processor than anything. the last thing i have to upgrade on my pc is mobo/ram, everything else is beast. I still have 8 gigs of shitty ddr2 ram, and i beat most everybody at loading everything. I can go months without someone beating my load time on league of legends, and only get beat loading bf3 a few times here and there.

with 8 clients of uo going, a few chat programs, bf3, and downloading torrents and such, i still dont max my ram out.. anything over 8 is just overkill for right now

zoo york

it is more processor than anything. the last thing i have to upgrade on my pc is mobo/ram, everything else is beast. I still have 8 gigs of shitty ddr2 ram, and i beat most everybody at loading everything. I can go months without someone beating my load time on league of legends, and only get beat loading bf3 a few times here and there.

with 8 clients of uo going, a few chat programs, bf3, and downloading torrents and such, i still dont max my ram out.. anything over 8 is just overkill for right now

My ssd helped load times the most for me. Some people raid them, but outside of crazy benchmark scores, I don't really see the point. Read speeds on my single drive are nearly 500 MBps.
My ssd helped load times the most for me. Some people raid them, but outside of crazy benchmark scores, I don't really see the point. Read speeds on my single drive are nearly 500 MBps.

yeah i use a SSD for windows and uo only, i was tired of taking 2 mins to restart my pc every time, especially when im working on it and restarting it often. now it only takes about 12 seconds.
everything else ive tried really does not help load time very much on my rig very much, it does a few seconds for bf3, but im already super fast and any faster just means i have to wait longer for the game to start.

i like all the noobies with their thousand dollar processors and shit that load barely faster (if at all) than me. I agree, it is all about benchmarks after a certain point, which is pretty stupid.

zoo york

yeah i use a SSD for windows and uo only, i was tired of taking 2 mins to restart my pc every time, especially when im working on it and restarting it often. now it only takes about 12 seconds.
everything else ive tried really does not help load time very much on my rig very much, it does a few seconds for bf3, but im already super fast and any faster just means i have to wait longer for the game to start.

i like all the noobies with their thousand dollar processors and shit that load barely faster (if at all) than me. I agree, it is all about benchmarks after a certain point, which is pretty stupid.

Does your board have sata 3? If it does, you should have noticed a huge difference not only with games, but even shit like windows updates. Crazy what an improvement it made. I went the "budget" route with the processor, got an i5 3570k. I put budget in quotes because it was still like $220, and I was strictly AMD before that.
Does your board have sata 3? If it does, you should have noticed a huge difference not only with games, but even shit like windows updates. Crazy what an improvement it made. I went the "budget" route with the processor, got an i5 3570k. I put budget in quotes because it was still like $220, and I was strictly AMD before that.

yeah its still sata 2, hence why i still only have ddr2 ram as well, but like i said if anything loaded any faster, it would just mean I have to wait longer for everyone else, so it is something I am not really interested in.

I have an AMD 3.4 quad core black box edition that I have liquid cooled and over clocked to 4.2 with no issues, and I usually walk all over intels, even a lot of i7's. I swear by this chip, by far the best one I have installed into any system over the past few years, (and that's a good amount). I believe its even less than a hundred bucks now, it was 200 when i got it.

That chip with my radeon hd 7950 3 gig card blows any game away I have played. For the money I spent I am extremely happy with my system.