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more vendors please


more vendors please

well now theres only skara with faction vendors just askin if theres any way to get up more vendors in other towns like there use to be


theyre gone...just like the ones that were in vesper....and minoc(awhile ago) and trinsic
but ive been seeing them disapear and not coming back :\
Well im sure your aware that vendors go away once a new faction takes over the town that the vendors reside in. So im sure TB will establish some vendors somewhere soon.


Son of Wanker said:
Well im sure your aware that vendors go away once a new faction takes over the town that the vendors reside in. So im sure TB will establish some vendors somewhere soon.

Negative, "death on the battle field" chooses to use the towns' silver for using guards to fight even battles.


Why would we want to put more vendors in>? 1 city is enough
Only time we've used guards was today in brit when there were 10 sl running around.
PS: Phontain keep talking there wont be any vendors left =/


Phontain we have owned brit for about 2 months and used guards how many times? once? yah wow you got owned... Now as finance minister i was the only person to acctually lower the tax rate to normal...
Cause basicallly brit should be kept normal.


You can't debate anything with out "war pf" coming into play, can you?...PF has COM characters PR.. What is the point of warring you... so when we kill you, you can log in on your alternet chars for a second shot'? NAY I SAY, NAY
Lament said:
Why would we want to put more vendors in>? 1 city is enough
Only time we've used guards was today in brit when there were 10 sl running around.
PS: Phontain keep talking there wont be any vendors left =/
Can you give a reason why old lady and jin found it necessary to use 2 mares and 2 guards on me,kaka and bt-. Yea it wuld be 3v2 but still... and sry ya went gray lady but going and getting guards and mares is a lil extreme isnt it.....? :confused:
Michael Jackson said:
death on the battle field love teh cack ;\

nough said
Well i just wanted a response of any sort from Jin or old lady, or even if lament could defend that? and im still waiting? :(


They know when people speak the truth and know not to talk back to their superiors ;\

p.s. I love WANKER....;\