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Most money made gambling? *In real life, not UO*


Most I've won was 10,000$ from a 5$ lottery scratch ticket. After I got raped for taxes, I was given a check for 7000$

No casinos close by, and as far as "illegal" gambling goes, i've never played for more then 50 bucks with friends

How bout you? Any big winners


Steve wynn says he doesn't know of a single career gambler that's truly ahead.

I won't argue discipline can put u ahead in the game, tho the lifestyle affords lapses in judgement epic or catastrophic in consequence :)

Potato McGruff

I take trips with my wife... I devised a couple betting strategies basically combining some progressive elements with some OBS methods, I've been pretty successful. I usually land about 3k per trip (two days or so) playing $5-$10 tables, I always start with 100 betting units ($500-$1000) and if I lose, I'm done.

I've even had some luck online on Bovada.


you lucky fuck crikey lol. back in the day 03/04ish i started playing poker and built up a roll of 100+ dollars from 0, which took tons of time but i was learning too. Anyone whos tried that knows it aint easy. Then the poker site shut down and ate my winnings.

I used to play stars all the time, i would either play like 12 25NL games or sit down at one 200NL to focus more. I cashed there several times, maybe 1-2k dollars, not much for the time invested. Then, my local casino had the "pokerpro etables" , which to me personally I enjoy. Faster play and no mistakes, easier to figure pot odds without always making a mental note of pot size each card.

I had good days there, I don't think i ever made more than 600 in a night though. If i lost a buyin, i would just go take a break and come back if i wasn't irratated about it. I'd also be stupid and get wasted at the casino so big part of my winnings would go to overpriced alcohol. I've lost my ass in blackjack though, 600+ to date. Slots: same story, all loss , never won shit in slots ever. I've went to the gas station and bought 500 scatch offs lol, what a waste.

So ya, all in all, im not lucky. I don't even gamble anymore.

Oh and icky, those career gamblers that are ahead do exist. Most likely in the poker world. I've never heard of a career slots player thats ahead though if thats what ya meant. I know the serious ones find the best machines to atleast get teh best edge they can though and use like the free money casinos hand out sometimes etc.


I'm not going to get into how much i've personally won but i have a buddy with a crazy ass story. We all went to a casino roughly 5 hours away and he is the luckiest mother fucker i've ever met. Started with a 100 bucks in blackjack, went up to 2,000 in roughly an hour. Right before we all knocked out he said i'm going to play roulette and see what happens (we were all so fucked up). He put 1,000 bucks on 1 number (forgot which it was) and fucking hit. That is 35 to 1, so in 1 spin he won 35,000. Not the first time i've seen him do something like that but it was the first time with that kind of cash. It was the most ridiculous thing i've ever witnessed but i was happy because i spotted him the 100 original so he gave me 10% of that.


I've only been to a casino twice. I didn't drink a drop of alcohol the entire time because it was real money on the line. I just camped out at the craps table and ended up $300 ahead. My friends were all drunk and one as we were leaving took all his money, threw it on the blackjack table and won $500.


I bet a bunch of the poker "pros" wouldn't be doin so hot w/out endorsements and stupid paychecks.


I'm not going to get into how much i've personally won but i have a buddy with a crazy ass story. We all went to a casino roughly 5 hours away and he is the luckiest mother fucker i've ever met. Started with a 100 bucks in blackjack, went up to 2,000 in roughly an hour. Right before we all knocked out he said i'm going to play roulette and see what happens (we were all so fucked up). He put 1,000 bucks on 1 number (forgot which it was) and fucking hit. That is 35 to 1, so in 1 spin he won 35,000. Not the first time i've seen him do something like that but it was the first time with that kind of cash. It was the most ridiculous thing i've ever witnessed but i was happy because i spotted him the 100 original so he gave me 10% of that.
rofl that would be pretty ridiculious to witness XD


Most I've ever won in one sitting would be about $1000 against a friend during a round of pot or not during a dealer's choice game.
Also won $700 on slots one night.

I have the worst luck ever so I was happy.


I bet a bunch of the poker "pros" wouldn't be doin so hot w/out endorsements and stupid paychecks.

dude, negreanau has made millions lol. hes loaned out mils here and there to people, if you got that kind of money then you rich lol. What's wrong with endorsements? and making appearances for money? Michael jordan still does hanes comericials.. ya know he doesn't need money?


Almost all the pro's spot eachother big cash. Tom dwan is in debt like 9 or 10mil from the last article i read a month or 2 ago.


ive seen em all melt down and throw good money after bad, and im sure private stakes are just stupid...feast or famine...nothing wrong w/endorsements @ all, just don't tell me ur ahead in the game. Fuck I'd love to own a casino :D


all in all , ya im up money in poker. every other form of gambling ive lost. poker is possible to beat becase you are playing players not the house. all you do is pay tax to the house 3-5%.

Who would loan someone 10 mil and let them get in the hole that far lol. Like really, if dwan is down 10 mil what is he doing now? working at mcdonalds? i dont think so. No one has killed him either to my knowledge. What will he do to repay the debt?


i just find it funny youd believe there are no succesful gamblers lol. Many have since got ahead and retired and invested etc.