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Gonna post that vid you made of me "speedhacking"? How about one of my girl Lachesis speed hacking? You know. Cause anyone better than you has to be hacking because you are THE best player EVER. Right?


Go fuck your dog some more...


Why have you not PMed me back about our duel that was supposed to happen last weekend.

I'm up for 500k right about...now.


SlipTongue69 said:

Gonna post that vid you made of me "speedhacking"? How about one of my girl Lachesis speed hacking? You know. Cause anyone better than you has to be hacking because you are THE best player EVER. Right?


Go fuck your dog some more...

hahaha, i still can't get over the fact he said i was hacking.
funny stuff.


I'm still waiting as well, after a nice 3 or 4 PM correspondance... I just wanna ban someone for speedhacking, damnit.

(Though it WOULD be funny to find out via the packets that someone ELSE was speedhacking... Like, Necro and Rigby fighting, and some dude on the other side of the screen who had nothing to do with it ^_^)


n1te_mare said:
somen tells me that if i speedhacked on my comp id still be slower than everyone else

Pretty much.

The way it works is you'll look faster on YOUR computer, but to everyone else you'll "stutter" step, meaning you'll actually be slower. What happens is the speedhack and your client tries to send the packets to let you move faster. RunUO (the server) checks to see each step whether you're moving "too fast" or not. If you are, it more or less holds you back to the place you belong.

Thus, you end up being slower.


Anyone that necroman can't kill obviously have to be speed hacking.
No other explanation! Because he is THE best pvper after all. Nobody can beat him without hacking! :rolleyes:


Mmkay.. enough Necroman bashing although I do find it funny hahaha
But I can understand where he's coming from tho, he just utters it the wrong way and wrongfully as well..
When I play ppl "hop" all over the screen too, some more then others but yet they do..

It's frikkin hard to put up a fight in PvP when that happens, I've been called a Noob, and ppl said they owned me.. I don't often really get onwed, most of the time (with complete ownage) I just freeze and when I unfreeze I see like 4 or 5 yellow number and go to 00o00o0ooo mode.. Surely I've been completely owned, and will be again by those same ppl probably but I don't care.
I do get annoyed that when I've someone redlined and poisoned, then freeze, and end up dead and then get the words: "Owned you Noob".. Or when Snell rushes in with his AI and I can't move at all, so he'll just do it twice and I'm dead without even moving, healing or whatever :(

Ppl I've pvp'ed with must've seen me freeze on more then one occasion, that's also why when you run, I won't chase, I'll try but lag up and you get away..

What it comes down to, I blame it on lag from my side, he blames it on speedhacks :p


I personally blame it on being too damned sexy that my character's need to stop for a sec just to look at themselves. :D Rhun your almost as sexy.


I personally blame it on being too damned sexy that my character's need to stop for a sec just to look at themselves. Rhun your almost as sexy.

Well I didn't want to be cocky, but yeah you're right as always :D