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New TB Guild.


New TB Guild.

ok, i quit CL because they never seem to wana fight....

now im thinking of making my own TB guild.....
if i can get a list of at least 8 Active TBers on this thread i will make it.....

i have a house about 4 seconds from east brit bank, the perfect place for a guild house.....

so, if anyone wants to help me make a REAL TB guild, please tell me
i already have 2 people that are gona join.... but i still want to get 8 here....
you have to be active....that means play ALOT!

mages, dexxers, tamers...i dont care....just be active!!!!!!



There's no such thing as a 'perfect TB' house. I'll join, but you have to give me a mil and a bj. Or a rj (rimjob for those not initiated into the sexual circle of faggotocity).




this has nothing to do with you....

why dose every thread in faction corner turn into flames?....jesus.....

even when CL is on you guys eather play poker, or say "nah we will just get killed" "theirs not enough of us on"

i was still solo'ing

im looking for people like me, people that are not afraid to die, and are in it for the fun...... not the shit talking and bitching......


Ok uve wanted to go in 10v2 Whats to point u think we will win no that kinda attitude will get u no where And stop flamming u newb cuz u werew about to be kicked any way


If your implying the "There isnt enuf of us on" thing, There was 6 >I< outside pits..and 3 of us..only 2 mages who can cross heal. Odds werent on our side. You got alot less to loose then mages. I loose 150 each reg and lots of expensive l33t pouches !!. So idk about you but going out 6 v 3 isnt too smart.


Arto Saari said:
If your implying the "There isnt enuf of us on" thing, There was 6 >I< outside pits..and 3 of us..only 2 mages who can cross heal. Odds werent on our side. You got alot less to loose then mages. I loose 150 each reg and lots of expensive l33t pouches !!. So idk about you but going out 6 v 3 isnt too smart.

This has nothing to do with CL..... aparently they where about to kick me anyways....

i would still like to fight with TB members, including CL..... i just dont wana depend on them.....

Anyway, i made my new guild, its called T[g "The Kings Goons"
its me and 2 other members right now, ive also got a friend that will be joining in a few days.... if anyone wants to join, im not very picky......

we where kicking some ass already today, felt good to....

oh and P F......Why the fuck would you just come out of no where and try to war your own faction?..... come on...... :rolleyes:


Sir Elton John said:
spriggan PF sent a war to u please accept it

Im not gona war my own faction....especialy not with 3 members.....

if you wana fight, join another faction....
i dont know how i pissed you guys off, but whatever.....


Kenny- said:
Ok uve wanted to go in 10v2 Whats to point u think we will win no that kinda attitude will get u no where And stop flamming u newb cuz u werew about to be kicked any way

*I wonder why TB cant get towns* (or is CL SL this week? Minax?)


After i get some more recruts we will start taking towns.....
for some reason CL goes out and gets the sigils, but then dosnt guard them..... then for some reason that little minax guy "gandalf" just goes and slowly jacks every sigil their is....
i tryed to defend it alone yesterday, but he runs to fast......

The Kings Goons is still recruting!!!!
we Still need alot more people!!!!!
anyone whos in TB, or thinking of joining TB, this is an open invitation to join a guild

just 2 rules, you must be 7X GM
and you have to know how to fight :)

see im not very picky