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Old IC movies

I deleted all my UO files [AoS Exe] / Etc
Im gonna have to go to erax0rs and get the files I need burnt onto CD.

Whats the average pop for UOGamers at the moment?



Spliff - just ask I. about hiding behind IC... we were usually in front of IC. Beofre IC rejoined CoM we'd been decimating people without them. You know for a fact that CiA operates as a small guild jsut as well as it does with a big group. That was the point wasn't it?


Oh shizzle saying all this stuff would make me feel sooo tough.
We'll kill all of you....
Talk some shit at least maybety ppl will start playing again.

Dr Zoidberg

an loller skater said:
It's cause you were haxxing for us. Duh Vile! Everyone knows you gave us all 150 each skill and unlimited newbied regs and pots. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I miss my Newbied Weightless Unlimited Keg of Extreme Explosion Pots that did 55 damage : (

Imo, staff should be allowed to faction again, i was on the inside of all of the "alleged cheating" and i can honestly say that all the whining was totally unsupported by evidence.