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Old School Trunks Back


Old School Trunks Back

Im not back to play.......yet, but I just wanted to see how the server was going. Hope yall are doing good, I see alot of new names so I guess thats a good thing. Maybe some of you remember me, most you prolly dont or didnt play when I did, but whenever I start gettin back online more I think I will start playing UOG again. Anyway just wanted to say hey to all my old friends off here and if your an old friend of mine that still plays post here to let me know your playing. I dont really care to come back if none of my old friends arent here :D .

P.S. College, work, and my gf takes up alot of time :D sorry
Cronic The BuDda said:
Dont come back.
=/ its not worth it.
trust me...job, college and girl will take you much further than taking sigils.

Or you could remember that life isn't all about a game and play it just to have fun. That way your job, college, girl will take you just as far and you get to integrate some pixilated fun while you're at it...
Cebrious Arcane said:
Or you could remember that life isn't all about a game and play it just to have fun. That way your job, college, girl will take you just as far and you get to integrate some pixilated fun while you're at it...

the game was at one point fun...and i can say i came close to mastering it.
hence the reason i still enjoy it remotely. becuz im good at it.
it was fun when there were other guilds like >I< to compete with that didnt care about anything but pvp.
PLAYER vs PLAYER for you in IC that think it means player vs pet.

but whatever do what u want trunks



If you are going to just sit here and talk shit about our shard, I seriously am going to have to ask you to leave. This is the way this shard works, if you dont like it leave.



Ryan said:

If you are going to just sit here and talk shit about our shard, I seriously am going to have to ask you to leave. This is the way this shard works, if you dont like it leave.


How come you havn't died in a fire yet? :confused:


Earth_Crisis said:
Im not back to play.......yet, but I just wanted to see how the server was going. Hope yall are doing good, I see alot of new names so I guess thats a good thing. Maybe some of you remember me, most you prolly dont or didnt play when I did, but whenever I start gettin back online more I think I will start playing UOG again. Anyway just wanted to say hey to all my old friends off here and if your an old friend of mine that still plays post here to let me know your playing. I dont really care to come back if none of my old friends arent here :D .

Yo, I'm still here, you should hit me up on aim or soemthin'. I haven't really been playin, or online for that matter, but if you came back I might try to find time.

Earth_Crisis said:
P.S. College, work, and my gf takes up alot of time :D sorry

Add drinking to that and I have the same problems keeping me from UO. ;P



What are you talking about??? He is not saying shit about the shard... He is obviously stating that all the guilds on here are fuckin pussies, and lame for that matter.

Maybe he mentioned how pvp'ing with pets is fuckin lame (which obviously it is) but that really has nothing to do with the way the shard is made besides the fact you could easily nerf that, and also you could nerf bola balls while yer at it =\
