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OMG ic ganking bragging bitches

OMG ic ganking bragging bitches

K 1st flame me all you want i dont give a fuck sencond ppl from sl and Com and Minax well ic to be more like it but any who im sick of these ganking rez killing bastards who think they all great and mighty cuz they CAN FUCKING GANK YOU and when you gank them your the noob and when you rez kill them your the noob but when they do it all find and dandy but anough is anough rez killing is for pussys and noobs who have no skillz at all so ya this is what i wanted to say and i said it so im done and flame away ppl just flame away.

Vash aka Vash VI


Next time, try not to type in such a hurry. periods every now and then and proper grammer go a long way to get people *not* to flame you, as they may look at you with a little more respect.


How about saving your ingame problems for ingame? I mean honestly, all us pvpers have been through your same situation, we know how it feels. But coming on the fourms is talking about it does nothing. Just go back out and kill them. Keep ingame problems in game please.


Vash said:
K 1st flame me all you want i dont give a fuck sencond ppl from sl and Com and Minax well ic to be more like it but any who im sick of these ganking rez killing bastards who think they all great and mighty cuz they CAN FUCKING GANK YOU and when you gank them your the noob and when you rez kill them your the noob but when they do it all find and dandy but anough is anough rez killing is for pussys and noobs who have no skillz at all so ya this is what i wanted to say and i said it so im done and flame away ppl just flame away.

Vash aka Vash VI

Shutting the fuck up should be in your list of life goals.


I just dont like the fact that they try and trick you about their numbers. They will have like 6 of them wait back and 2 run up, so your like sweet we can get a nice 2v2 going and u turn to fight and about 8 of em come up on ya with corp por precasted.
No better than GoD if u ask me.
Least GoD shows their numbers...


i dont like IC, or GoD....

both have done the same thing to me....

i see one running around, so i attack him thinking i'll get a 1 on 1.... he runs around a corner.... hides, calls in the rest of his guild, and befor he even tryed to hit me im getting ganked....

they are so use to ganking that they dont even try to 1 on 1.....

i can understand calling in friends when your losing.... pussy move, but at least you tryed... but when you dont even try to fight, you just call in your whole guild because your being attacked.... well thats just sad....


GOD members cant 1v1 thats for sure IC members there are a few than can 1v1 pretty damn good PF dont even get me started 1c1 with pf? please well never see the day


Idk.. i Hate ganks all together as much as the next persone there are very few of us that will stright 1 on1 one and other... ive faught people suposed to be one on one and at end they have there friends gank and say i got healed by some one stupid stuff

- also VASH dont evan pull that stuf all COM MINAX AND SL thats crap and you know it theres many times i chilled by the in and see a huge group of TB chillen by healers rezkilling ganken and all that lame stuff

- this is for every one i make a new char and it kinda bothers me that some people hope some new chars are new to game a minax dude talked to me thinken i was new gated me to coms base telling me to join for best gains ever lol thats sad hopen for points like that



The best part about this thread and all the whines against IC is that i know for a fact they are full of shit, because i was part of the group at the time Vash is whining about, it was even me who got the point from him : )


Juvenile said:
How about saving your ingame problems for ingame? I mean honestly, all us pvpers have been through your same situation, we know how it feels. But coming on the fourms is talking about it does nothing. Just go back out and kill them. Keep ingame problems in game please.


Thank you,

p.s. You're a fucktard.


Uchiha~Sasuke said:
GOD members cant 1v1 thats for sure IC members there are a few than can 1v1 pretty damn good PF dont even get me started 1c1 with pf? please well never see the day

I dueled PhireHawk, and at the time I was on a 56k connection, and kept right up with him (in the words of Obe, "He has the most podunk 56k I've ever seen"). While he eventually killed me, had I been on a broadband connection, which would mean faster casting and receiving of spells, then I believe I would've beat him. I've dueled all of GoD on a 56k connection and destroyed them, but I have yet to duel IC, except for Obe, and we were decently even.


Lament said:
I just dont like the fact that they try and trick you about their numbers. They will have like 6 of them wait back and 2 run up, so your like sweet we can get a nice 2v2 going and u turn to fight and about 8 of em come up on ya with corp por precasted.
No better than GoD if u ask me.
Least GoD shows their numbers...

Omg, they use tactics? lol

I too hate this tactic, kinda like the US set up a net around Falujjah and then raided fast with overwhelming numbers.


Furota : The fourms were not designed for people to come on and bitch about there problems. Most people dont want to hear about someone getting owned in game. I mean if your posting you got killed ingame, in my eyes, your making yourself look stupid both on fourms, and ingame. I dont want to argue anymore about this. And you Furota look stupid defending this post. Since you like posting bull shit so much why dont you go post a rusty nail in your eye and jump off a building head first.


Juvenile said:
Furota : The fourms were not designed for people to come on and bitch about there problems. Most people dont want to hear about someone getting owned in game. I mean if your posting you got killed ingame, in my eyes, your making yourself look stupid both on fourms, and ingame. I dont want to argue anymore about this. And you Furota look stupid defending this post. Since you like posting bull shit so much why dont you go post a rusty nail in your eye and jump off a building head first.
OH god.
Admitting that you have been beaten 1 v 1 by another player on the shard is about the most honorable and mature thing to do when it comes to posting. I am not takign sides with Furota (personally i dont even like him).
Would You rather him act like others and just fill up the threads with ppl they have killed or how much they PWN?


P F will never be seen in a 1x1? odd, I do believe we're the only guild that openly accepts and sends challenges of all sorts.. whether it be dueling 1x1's or even 3x3 fields or whatever

In fact ill go insofar as to say we'd be willing to 3x4 any guild out there given a little space to move around (i.e. not a duel pit) with pots etc

I can't guarantee 100% wins but make it 2/3 and I dont' think we'd turn ya down
make it for $ and I guarantee we won't turn you down :)
thats just sasuke tanis

i sat for 20 minutes trying to get him to fight me yesterday

first i asked for a duel he said no and that his char was made for field fighting

then i asked him for a 1v1 field fight and he ignored me for about 15 minutes

hes just talk

take up our offers please all of u guys who say we suck

i always see someone saying we cant fight etc etc

but we have made 100s of offers in game and on these forums and not a single person has accepted our offers



that's cause the guys doing the shit talking, would be too ego hurt if they actually did fight and lose an even fight :(

online ego is teh suck.

and Mike, shame on you for comparing UO to RL ... i thought it was a known rule to never compare the two. (ESPECIALLY WAR). are purple pots gernades? if someone was standing ontop of the bank, i know I couldnt hit him with explosions IRL so why does it work here !!!! gimme a break ... its a f.u.c.k.i.n.g. g.a.m.e.