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OSI's UOML PvP Challenge


OSI's UOML PvP Challenge

That's right, PvPers, we're challenging you to hop on the UOML Beta shard and come up with the deadliest template and item combinations you can find.

Are you the master of creative one-shots? Do you stay up late at night working out the perfect template and combination of items and special moves? Do you know of a particularly good Spellweaving and Magery spell combo that will drop your opponent in the dust without time to whimper? Any deadly combo of skills, items or special moves that are strongly related to UOML content is eligible for entry into the Mondain's Legacy PvP Challenge. We're specifically looking for the most over-the-top, deadly, UOML-related one shot kills.

The top five reproducible entries, as judged by the UOML development and QA teams, will win an Ultima Online: Mondain's Legacy Upgrade code. This code will also be redeemable for a Charger of the Fallen war horse. In addition, the number one entry will also receive a 90 day gametime code.

Please send your entries to: [email protected] with as much detail as you can provide. Remember, if we can't reproduce it, then you won't win, so please be as thorough as possible when writing your entry. The contest ends at 3 PM Friday, August 19, 2005. The first person to report a particular combo gets credit, so you'll want to start scheming now. Enter early and often!

(ripped from Stratics)