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Will there be new supermonsters such as Paragorns? (Those who keep in touch with Stratics know what I'm talking about)


They're called paragons. As in the word, paragon, which is like being the best at something or being the ultimate embodiment of an ideal such as in the common phrase 'paragon of virtue'. Read a book. ><


I WILL NOT add OSI things that are not scripted by krrios himself, one of the other RunUO Devs, or a SMALL handfull of other scripters (2-3 maybe).

Reason: I do NOT want to deal with the headache of a not 100% version, or attempting to upgrade to the RunUO version later (You can't imagine how many shards are going to be completely screwed when RunUO Factions come out, and they WON'T be able to use them.)

I will not allow that to happen here.


Astri said:
They're called paragons. As in the word, paragon, which is like being the best at something or being the ultimate embodiment of an ideal such as in the common phrase 'paragon of virtue'. Read a book. ><

My bad, Mr. Grammar Police :p


Dev, that's not true and you know it.

And, you know *I* know it.

On top of which, you KNOW I know you know it.

et al


TheOutkastDev said:
You are the biggest nerd I've ever met.

Don't get out much? I mean, I'm a nerd, it's true. A big one, yet. But day-um, go to a star-trek convention sometime. Until they start doin' Buffy the Vampire Slayer conventions, I'm safe from being the biggest nerd.