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Paranormal or Unexplained Experiences, share your stories...


Realizing I must stray from any theological discussion, lest I offend someone and violate the forum rules, I have asked Tessa if this type of thread was okay, to which I got no response, which I'm assuming means this will not be trammeled.

Anyone play with Ouijja boards or have unwanted experiences in old houses? Please tell. Also, feel free to share the opinion that this is schizophrenia or people are just trying to get attention...

1st Paranormal Experience- "Woman in a red heel" - Age 8 Childhood house

I was around 8 or 9, I was running around with a Nerf dart gun trying to find my brother and I had this intuitive feeling like he was hiding somewhere in the house, and he was just around the next corner. I had turned around at some point and just around the corner I saw the back of a woman's red heel, with a foot in it, but it had just passed out of my view as if someone had just walked by. I pointed the nerf gun, slightly confused, around the next corner, and when I came around the corner, no one was there. That area was a dead end, so there was nowhere the "woman" could have gone.

2nd Paranormal Experience- "Lego Tosser"- Age 9 Childhood house

Eating dinner with my brother and grandma (I was around 9) in the same house as the aforementioned story. We were all alone, it was around 8pm, and suddenly a large LEGO piece gets hurled into the kitchen. Everyone was baffled and my grandmother said nothing of it. (she was Catholic, which means if it was paranormal she would have to believe it was a demon)

3rd Paranormal Experience- "Night Terrors"- Age 10 Childhood house

This happened a total of 10 times over a span of a year or so...

I had recurring night terrors, where I would wake up after a nap and start screaming as if someone was coming in to eat me. When my parents or brother came in to see what was wrong, I would be pointing and screaming in a direction as if there was a "being" standing there. My family could not get me to come out of this "trance" until at least 10 minutes after the initial screaming. My scream was so terrifying it made my brothers cry in fear.

After I came out of the trance, I would not remember what happened or why I was so scared, I had to usually be woken up by a shower, to which I was forced into.

4th Paranormal Experience- "Door Knocker- Age 19 Parents house (new house)

I was shaving in a bathroom alone, and something started to very gently knock on the door every 3 seconds or so, and it was just 1 knock at a time, not like a person knocking. I opened it up thinking it was one of our dogs, and there was nothing there. I then thought to myself "if this is a spirit, I AM GOING TO KICK ITS FUCKING ASS" (only a thought) but as soon as this thought had occurred, the energy in the room started to change drastically, and I believe this was the first time I, without a doubt, believed what was happening was paranormal.

There was then more "knocking" on the other side of the ceiling above me, at least 4 knocks in different locations, as if the entity was trying to confirm to me that "yes, this is fucking paranormal"

The feeling in the air was so strong, I had immediately regretted the thought, and left the bathroom. All the hairs on my body were on end.

5th Paranormal Experience- "Lonely Entity"- Age 23 OLD Motel in San Juan Capistrano, CA

I was in a really shitty motel and the internet wasn't working so I played a single player game instead of getting online to play whatever MMO I was addicted to at the time. Everything was fine and dandy until I tried to go to sleep. Suddenly there was this strange presence on the other side of the room, and a very strange "psychic" feeling as if I was sharing thoughts with whatever was there. I had thoughts and feelings that were not my own, and I could not fall asleep til after 2 or 3 in the morning.

I feel like whatever this was, it was sad and lonely and merely wanted to be acknowledged or possibly "share thoughts" with another intelligence. I cannot be sure what this was, but on several occasions throughout the night, I almost went outside to sleep in my car.

In the morning I told the person working in the office that he had a ghost in that room, he had no idea WTF i was talking about...

6th Paranormal Experience - "Quiet Down or Else"- Age 24 Apartment in Newport Beach, CA

It was pitch dark, I was laying in bed trying to get some sleep. My girlfriend was giving me a hard time about something, and it was around 2 in the morning. I kept asking her to leave it for tomorrow and she was just digging into me with all of her malice, very determined to make me feel like shit because apparently I had "pushed her buttons" with something I did earlier. After incessant nagging, and me begging her to let me sleep, a VERY LOUD "electric-interference" sound came out of the middle of the room.

I immediately new that we were not alone and whatever was there was getting pretty pissed off too. I immediately pointed out to my girlfriend that we were pissing off some entity and we should just go to sleep. She could not accept this, and looked really scared, like "no way is this happening, no fucking way" so I immediately played it off as some "telekinetic" event wherein our "bad energy" had caused some sort of interference with the equipment. She accepted this and went to bed.

I knew what it was, and I'm certain it was "on my side" and pissed at my GF for being so incessantly annoying.

7th Paranormal Experience - "Nightstand Punching Entity"- Age 25 Parents house

At around 2am, a loud smacking sound came down on the dresser next to me. As if someone was slamming a book down HARD. I looked at the dresser, terrified, and there was nothing there, also, no chance of a physical object falling to make that sound. I know this was unexplained because the sound originated 2 feet away from my head. I kept repeating this thought in my head like a mantra "please leave me alone, I don't want any paranormal experiences"

In the morning, I mentioned it to my mother, who heard the EXACT SAME story from my little brother, there was a loud smacking sound next to his bed in the adjacent room, on his nightstand at around 2am. We were creeped out and my mother tried to explain it away because she can't accept that this stuff occurs.

8th Paranormal Experience - "Annoying Poltergeist"- Age 26 Parents house

After I had come down from a shroom trip, (perfectly lucid by the time this started occurring) I was not "allowed" to sleep because there were at least 2 unseen forces in my room fucking with shit. The room at the time had a bunch of wrapping paper and bags for wrapping gifts as it was around the holidays.

It sounded like there were two people that were tapping things or hitting the wrapping paper consecutively. Like *pat* *pat* *pat*, then silence for thirty seconds, then *knock* *knock*, then tapping on the wall, more "patting" of the wrapping paper. It went on for 30 minutes at least.

The room felt very "busy" and this was possibly my bravest moment, because even as I was tempted to run out of the room in fear, I felt that they might follow me anyway, so I just sat there and endured it, eventually things quieted down and i fell asleep.


I have faint memories of hearing/seeing things that I thought were caused by spirits, but over time remembering exactly what happend is unclear. I usually chuck those experiences up as coincidental or think of a plausible explanation. I guess what im saying is I haven't witnessed a ghost walking around and can't 100% say thats what it was.

One time as a kid I was in a guestroom at our house sleeping and I woke up and thought i saw the face of a ghost and instantly became paralyzed in fear. I was just a few feet from the door but I couldn't move so I just started screaming until someone came in there. After that I never slept in there again lol.

Most of the experiences just involved heavy items falling off a table in the other room with no one or pets there, or thinking I caught a glimpse of someone walking by or just hearing what sounded like people talking in the house real late at night with no one around and all the neighbors sleeping.

Drugs are a different story though, non related to ghosts.

One day my friend had some salvia and I didn't know anything about it but gave it a try. For some reason the tv got changed to a religious channel and we were just laughing. It was an outdoor shot of a guy sitting under a tree with his church robe and apparel reading from a bible. Then i started hearing a crackling distortion in the sound and I could hear demonic voices talking over the guy. It went on for like 30 seconds fading in and out but I still just kept laughing.

And of course shrooms but all those experiences were pleasant. :D


I have one, but its a ufo story not a ghost one. anyway...
I was about 14 and was walking home from a friends house. I walked through the parking lot of a middle school and around to the back. I was making my way through the field behind the school when for some reason i looked up and saw a fairly large solid green light floating in the sky. It seemed to be a good couple of hundred feet up, it must have been pretty big because it was about 2 or 3 times larger than a quarter held up to the sky. My first thought was holy fucking shit am i really seeing this and did kind of a double take blink. at this point is was almost as if the ufo knew i was looking at it and quickly moved back and forth a few times before shooting off at what seemed like near light speed without making any sound. this whole experience lasted somewhere around 10-15 seconds. Once it shot off i realized wtf just happened i started jogging/running back to my house, scared shitless thinking about getting abducted or something


I myself have never encountered anything like this, so I remain a skeptic. However, most of my family have experienced and seen some craaaaaazzy shit in the old house I grew up in, in the 80s. I was under 8 years old so....don't remember much.
My family isn't the superstitious types, ESPECIALLY my grandfather, who's an old school hardass. When I heard the things he told me, it makes me wonder...as he NEVER makes up strange shit.
The house was built in 1829, by a very wealthy doctor in new england. This man was MURDERED, and the killer never found.
It was also speculated that this house was a part of the "underground railroad" during the civil war after Abraham Lincoln ended slavery. I remember down in the creepy ass basement, there was a small, narrow wooden door under the stairs in the corner that led to a narrow, DARK, DEEP passageway. Straight out of a horror movie or something crazy. Reallllly fucking creepy from what I can remember.
Yup....that house is definitely haunted as FUCK, somehow, someway.

If the current owners ever move out, and the house is vacated, even for abrief time, I'm sneaking in so I can see whats at the end of that tunnel. Otherwise Iwill always wonder


Forum Member of the year 09'
My sister went to a small college called Albertus Magnus. It has some kind of a Catholic history. I'm not sure if it's still religious at all, but there were nuns there at one point. Apparently, it's pretty widely rumored that the ghost of a nun inhabits one of the residence halls and acts out when she disapproves of the residents' behavior. Get loud? Faucets turn on. That kind of stuff. She believes it... but I think she just wants to.

Me, I don't believe in that stuff at all. Here's the closest I can get.

I served in Afghanistan a few years ago. My leadership was less than stellar and didn't think it was important to disseminate information to us guys lower down the totem pole, so we sought out what we could. When I first got in country, I stayed at Bagram Airfield (BAF) for a couple of days. I was lucky enough to meet a guy who was coming from the little forward operating base (FOB) I was going to. I asked him the usual questions... who's who and all that. He gave me the rundown: "The Afghan National Army is pretty good, but you can't rely on them. If they hear about something happening somewhere else, they'll just leave without telling you. The police are nothing but Taliban in uniform. The mayor ..."

"...and one other thing. Whatever you do, don't go into the graveyard at night."

I didn't know the guy very well, but it didn't seem like he was joking. He threw this in along with lots of good, reliable first hand information. Everything else he told me had turned out to be exactly right. So, when I had some free time at night, I decided to check out this graveyard.

The graveyard was right outside the FOB, and I knew the gate guards so they were cool with me going out there. The FOB expanded eventually and the graveyard was then inside the wire, so it was even easier to explore it then. I recorded video with my camera, and I used my night vision goggles as well as the naked eye to check the place out.

Prepare to be disappointed: Nothing ever happened.

Everyone I've talked to about this that believes in ghosts tells me that they didn't manifest because I wasn't open to them. That sounds like a pretty convenient excuse to me. And you know what? At least superficially, I was open to it. If nothing else, I wanted to find out what that guy was talking about. I kind of wish I could talk to him again now and ask him why he said that or if it was just a joke to play on the new kid, but I doubt we'd even recognize each other if we were next door neighbors at this point.

So, I remain skeptical too. I'm convinced all the TV shows are staged and anyone who wants to believe is going to, whether you show them the rational explanation or not. Knocking in the bathroom when you're shaving might be "water hammer" from you turning the faucet on and off. A buzzing in the middle of the room could be an ungrounded junction box arcing or a power surge, or a fly trapped in a light fixture... or if any of these were apartments, neighbors.

I don't know. As much as I would like to believe, I find all these stories to be too vague to be conclusive. Half of them are just "I felt strange," which means nothing.