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PC recruitin


Hey, im extremely new to factions, but PC has been kickin someass, last night I had the most fun on UOgamers in a long time, holding off TB and SL was fun as hell, I insist on more people joining, besides... Would you rather be with the small "you know what" and big head mdk who attack there own factions... GO PC!


TNA said:
Hey, im extremely new to factions, but PC has been kickin someass, last night I had the most fun on UOgamers in a long time, holding off TB and SL was fun as hell, I insist on more people joining, besides... Would you rather be with the small "you know what" and big head mdk who attack there own factions... GO PC!

yea PC's the shit but we need to fuckin xheal....
TNA said:
Hey, im extremely new to factions, but PC has been kickin someass, last night I had the most fun on UOgamers in a long time, holding off TB and SL was fun as hell, I insist on more people joining, besides... Would you rather be with the small "you know what" and big head mdk who attack there own factions... GO PC!
WOOT! go bandwagons!!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!1!!!! [/sarcasm]


We had a red guild named population control, and the house that had that guildstone just dropped, so if your looking to get that name, the stone should be gone or ask a gm to remove it... ps thanks for not joining sl or com :)

Big Swanger

removed said:
yea PC's the shit but we need to fuckin xheal....

that has got to be the funniest thing ive seen all day. so u guys dont xheal, but yet u are the shit. you must be good at running around throwing 6 Exp eb's. wewt !