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ok seriously, I dont see why people whine and moan about PF so much...

All uo pvp is, is a big ego trip, everyone does it...

you hate PF so much yet you all give them the fame for whineing so much about them,

Personally, I havnt found a problem with them, i dueled a few of their members, win or lose they seemed cool to me, didnt shit talk or anything.

as far as group pvp.. win or lose their usually outnumbered.. not always but usually they are...

Point being, if you hate them so much why give them so much fame? they feneing and feeding off of it and youre giving it to them..
i too wonder this.....everyone says they suck and theyre nothing and nobody cares about them yet theres all the threads on them and god forbid if one is started by one of them it gets 20 + replies


Doja... I don't even know where to start...
I'm not going to turn this into piddly "gg newb shit"
How many offers by a member from our guild for a duel? I've asked every member of MDK every chance I've gotten. However, I've yet to duel a single MDK. Even if you guys don't want a 1x1 duel w/o pots, we're more than keen to have a 3x3 or 4x4 in the duel pits, we'll let you choose the rules

The fact that you completely ignore our offers for a fair fight speaks much louder than 1,000,000 posts on any forum, anywhere.

Lastly, Thanks Omni for noting that we fight outnumbered, and enjoy it, and return 3v6 even if we die the first time. The mere thought of mdk fighting us 3v6 is laughable at best.

In fact the other night we had 6 on and we felt like newbies for being gankers... (till GoD rolled up with 8)

That is all


Itss cool, just its tiresome and old everytime you read the forums its a flame aginst PF, hell I havnt followed factions in 2 months now, and i LIKE pf cause everyoen flames them and i cant tell you one member of PF's name or char temp, hehe

Same Tanis from GL?


i just got one question....are all PF actually from pacific? :p
i dont have a problem with em either they are good iv seen them kill MDK all day outnumbred most of the time they win somtimes they dont but they do allways come back ready to fight again i have respect for people like that MDK barley has ever managed to kill me 1v12 or so everytime they gank..but then im called a newbie for runnig 1v12 :p PH has killed me 2v1 and i usualy run from them as well if it is 1v1 ill stick it and fight i dont run 1v1 unless im either out of regs pots or aids :p

flat out i like ph and how they fight/work together GJ guys