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phirehawk....wow u lie


phirehawk....wow u lie

wow...sad individual..i watched his guild get spanked twice today..PF i think...by MDK...one battle wasnt sure of the numbers..the other battle...5 mdk vs 4 PF..thats essentially an even fight......then phirehawk uses the clan leader function to message all of the TB faction and goes oh yeah congrats to mdk for beating us 7 vs 4.....like wtf..i just witnessed it....there was 5 of them....either way....stop lying..maybe then ppl would respect ur guild...

and dont come back with some lame assed "ur a nobody" comment cuz i just came back to this shard after not playing 5 months...if u ever see me on the battlefield 1 on 1..ull remember me

k thx

i like pvp


im not even in MDK

in neutral to both guilds they're both TB but they're warring eachother....i just watched them fight and im getting annoyed with phirehawk using hte clan leader thing to lie about fights he just lost


Keep this stuff in game. No one wants to read all this nonsense. If you got owned, you got owned .. Who cares how it happend. Your just making youself look bad with this post.
yeah cause we all know we would have had a big use for the faction message thing.......

plus isnt it a new one every hour and they build up?



anyway phire why do u have to call ppl nobodys? p f is a good guild, its proly the best guild on the server skill wise, they just dont have the numbers most faction guilds do, when they faction its mostly in a party of 3 and they give 5 of us ic a good fight, but seriously phire who cares if ur a somebody in an online game made up of mega pixels? :)
grape-soda said:
anyway phire why do u have to call ppl nobodys? p f is a good guild, its proly the best guild on the server skill wise, they just dont have the numbers most faction guilds do, when they faction its mostly in a party of 3 and they give 5 of us ic a good fight, but seriously phire who cares if ur a somebody in an online game made up of mega pixels? :)

This coming from someone who told everyone they "quit" then claimed to be their RL brother, so they could "start fresh" in an online world.
