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Please help my country...



I believe every country in every corner of the world deserves fairness from those *Governments* who supposedly determine what is best for said country.

Good luck.


I clicked the petition. Over 2/3 the signatures wanted, and still a month to go. Should get finished fine for you

Unfortunately, I cannot in right mind sign your petition. For 2 reasons:

1) I have absolutely no clue what is going down in Venezuela, therefore it would be dishonest for me to pick a side.

2) Even if 1,000,000 signatures were received, I don't think it would change jack shit. Obama does not give a shit for venezuela. He is going to do whatever the hell he wants, regardless how many signatures are put on that petition. This is his second term. He will be gone soon no matter what. Chavez said in publlc that obama is "A clown, embarrassment, shame to Black People". So yeah....he's probably irritated and will try to do whatever he wants


I clicked the petition. Over 2/3 the signatures wanted, and still a month to go. Should get finished fine for you

Unfortunately, I cannot in right mind sign your petition. For 2 reasons:

1) I have absolutely no clue what is going down in Venezuela, therefore it would be dishonest for me to pick a side.

2) Even if 1,000,000 signatures were received, I don't think it would change jack shit. Obama does not give a shit for venezuela. He is going to do whatever the hell he wants, regardless how many signatures are put on that petition. This is his second term. He will be gone soon no matter what. Chavez said in publlc that obama is "A clown, embarrassment, shame to Black People". So yeah....he's probably irritated and will try to do whatever he wants

Chavez is dead bro

Our government is killing our people who are protesting peacefully in the CNE (National Electoral Council) l of different states, these elections were fraudulent and over half of the Venezuelan people are asking to be done a recount of votes to tranquility of the people ... but our government is very tricky, VIVA VENEZUELA CARAJO!


seems a big stretch to me. the guy ate like 100 cheeseburgers and other shit tier foods a day so cancer was not all that unlikely from his regular diet


The country is divided into two sides, one side is a sector that supports the legacy of Hugo Chavez but due to bad misrule and crap that has committed Nicolas Maduro was the successor to Hugo Chavez after his death on March 5. He has lost followers, has been guilty of two devaluations to show an example of which is bad our economy is, ur currency USD worth 26 times our money, Hugo Chavez was a very intelligent leader and so he took all the powers of the country for so able to do what he pleased Nacional Electoral, National Assembly, CORPOELEC CANTV (electric service, communication, internet tv). Almost all of his cabinet is corrupt say they are fighting for the poor and have multimillion accounts outside our country can only achieve major companies enter only if you think like them. Popular sectors are in primary food shortages by Venezuelan consumption are corn flour, meat, chicken, and among other things, they rationed us light, water, etc.
This is a brief summary of what happens here, the same government has bands that make their crimes for them, almost all driven by corruption, wow the insecurity is crazy u cannot walk alone in the streets cuz u gonna get robbed for sure u cant trust no one here theres like 20 murders per day in our cirty and like 200 weekly around the country, the conditions of the prisons are against the law in a cell go to sleep up to 40 people or more, only the leaders of the prisons who call themselves "PRAN" is enjoying the benefits every area of ​​the jail has its "PRAN" they have motorcycles televisions cellular arms ak47 fal 9mm grenades pumps jacuzzi pool women drug to as the leaders of the prisons call themselves "pran" in this video are shown pranes high command of the jail in my town (all of you see in the video is real
) they charge all the prisoners from jail at least $ 80 a week for them to live and if you do not pay you will die, it follows that on 14 April were the elections in our country Nicolas Maduro vs Capriles, as Nicolas Maduro has purchased all institutions altered the results of the elections and was committed electoral fraud, whereas the other half of the country I represent myself and the majority of the Venezuelan people trying to make a call to peace to the unit due to the division of the people because of Chavez was a fanaticism incredible. We only make a call for recount of votes because we know they did fraud...


I visited caracas before usa relations went so far south :( the slum covered mts bowling in the city are very pretty @ night, polar beer rocks, the coca-cola is some of the finest, the short little cigs (belmont?) Kickass, and andres BIG CAT galarages is one of my all time favs! But the overall impression was: life is cheap here :(....best of luck to ur people ;)


Of course not, none of that would happen if all those people also had their rifles to shoot back, sadly not every country is free like America.
sadly, if some of the politicians here in AMERICA had it their way, we wouldnt be allowed to have weapons to shoot back...

Give it time. Bet firearms wil be so restrictive to get someday that it will be all but banned


So the dudes in the video there are prisoners or just run the prisons? I don't get it.. Seems fucked up as shit..
they are prisoners, but the rules aren't really tight down there. The guards probably only get paid a shiny nickel per hour soooo, they probably allow the prisoners to drug deal and collect protection money, for a good hunk of the pie.
Prison life woouldu actually be fun this way!
Unless you were a regular prisoner ,then it would just suck ballbag