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"Power Balance" Wristbands? Thoughts?


"Power Balance" Wristbands? Thoughts?

today at school my friend had one of these wrist bands that supposedly made you more flexible, stronger, and have better balancing, but nobody in my class believed him.

we started testing it, and it somehow actually worked. we would put our arms straight out, twist our legs straight, and try to turn as far as we could without bending either legs nor arms, and we could all go an extra 6 inches to a foot in either direction.

we could also lift things a lot easier, but we had nothing excessively heavier than a backpack, but even that seemed a lot easier to lift.

So is this a mindgame? or is it really something that affects your body's natural flow of energy?


Re: "Power Balance" Wristbands? Thoughts?

it has something to do with magnets or something

i use them for golf alot.. i dont notice any difference really.
Re: "Power Balance" Wristbands? Thoughts?

I have a power balance bracelet, and I've been wearing it daily for about two months now. I've done all the tests, and debunking stuff you see on TV or the internet. In my opinion, its all mind games. After months of constant usage; I see absolutely no difference in anything.

The idea behind the bracelet is; it has holograms in it that are tuned to a certain radio frequency that resonates with your cells, helping them to tune into their optimal frequency.

I've tried the tests with and without the bracelet and get the same results every time.


Re: "Power Balance" Wristbands? Thoughts?

cynical, you said you've worn it a lot for 2 months. we were talking about that and my friend said he wears it only when hes doing activities so that he doesn't get used to the 'feeling'. ive heard of people who wear it all the time. sleeping, during the day... and they get to the point where they feel theres no difference.


Forum Member of the year 09'
Re: "Power Balance" Wristbands? Thoughts?

It works through magical thinking. Like head-on.


Re: "Power Balance" Wristbands? Thoughts?

Sirkah;2125790 said:
cynical, you said you've worn it a lot for 2 months. we were talking about that and my friend said he wears it only when hes doing activities so that he doesn't get used to the 'feeling'. ive heard of people who wear it all the time. sleeping, during the day... and they get to the point where they feel theres no difference.

That's a fine argument until he takes it off and nothing changes.. Maybe you just tried harder when it was on cause you wanted it to work?


Re: "Power Balance" Wristbands? Thoughts?

so if you get use to it and you feel no difference then if it works it should still be working. if you notice or dont notice makes no difference.

and yeah its a bunch of bullshit even though it may help others who get more confidence out of it.
Re: "Power Balance" Wristbands? Thoughts?

IN THEORY it sounds logical..

cells operate at a frequency and if one cell is operating at X amount so is the other one and this tricks them into going to an optimal number...

Realistically speaking?

No idea.


Re: "Power Balance" Wristbands? Thoughts?

I've covered quiet a bit about cells and cellular structure in biology and there was no material about cell frequencies..
Re: "Power Balance" Wristbands? Thoughts?

Rasah;2125866 said:
I've covered quiet a bit about cells and cellular structure in biology and there was no material about cell frequencies..

That's well and dandy, however like anyone else you forgot to mention which gradelevel you covered this at..


Re: "Power Balance" Wristbands? Thoughts?

was talking about the information in it.

talks about how everything has a qi that links and operates together. about how certain things and certain spots can energize it etc.

and from what ive seen they have compared this bracelet on the same concept as this chinese medical tradition.

Xun Zi, another Confucian scholar of the Jixia Academy, followed in later years. At 9:69/127, Xun Zi says: "Fire and water have qi but do not have life. Grasses and trees have life but do not have perceptivity. Fowl and beasts have perceptivity but do not have yi (sense of right and wrong, duty, justice). Men have qi, life, perceptivity, and yi." This passage gives us some insight into his idea of "qi". Chinese people at such an early time had no concept of radiant energy. But they were aware that one can be heated by a campfire from a distance away from the fire. Clearly, something is emitted by the fire and reaches the camper. They called it "qi". At 18:62/122, he too uses "qi" to refer to the vital forces of the body that decline with advanced age.


Re: "Power Balance" Wristbands? Thoughts?

Theories of traditional Chinese medicine assert that the body has natural patterns of qi that circulate in channels called meridians in English.[19] Symptoms of various illnesses are often believed to be the product of disrupted, blocked, or unbalanced qi movement (interrupted flow) through the body's meridians, as well as deficiencies or imbalances of qi (homeostatic imbalance) in the various Zang Fu organs.[20] Traditional Chinese medicine often seeks to relieve these imbalances by adjusting the circulation of qi (metabolic energy flow) in the body using a variety of therapeutic techniques. Some of these techniques include herbal medicines, special diets, physical training regimens (qigong, tai chi chuan, and other martial arts training),[21] moxibustion, massage to clear blockages, and acupuncture, which uses small diameter metal needles inserted into the skin and underlying tissues to reroute or balance qi.[22]

It is hypothesized that qi could be transmitted through the fascia independent of any neurological activity.


Re: "Power Balance" Wristbands? Thoughts?

how they say it works

How Does Power Balance Work?
Power Balance is based on the idea of optimizing the body's natural energy flow, similar to concepts behind many Eastern philosophies. The hologram in Power Balance is designed to respond to the natural energy field of the body. The Mylar material at the core of Power Balance has been treated with energy waves at specific frequencies. The resulting Mylar is believed to resonate and work with your body's natural energy flow to help enable you to perform at the best of your ability.


Re: "Power Balance" Wristbands? Thoughts?

Dany Mortal;2125879 said:
That's well and dandy, however like anyone else you forgot to mention which gradelevel you covered this at..

I'm about 80 credits deep into college majoring in Exercise Science...