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Ok, im beyond pissed off now. I used to have a comp not half this good, on this same connection, and be able to run three clients simultaneously, + winamp + limewire + trillian + moodlogic and IE. Now im lagging ungodly amounts with ONLY a single uo client and trillian open.

My old computers specs: P4 1.6 ghz, 256 mgs of ram, 32 mg video card, 1 gig allocated virtual ram

This computer: P4 3.0 ghz, 1 gig of ram, 32 mg video card (onboard), 2 gigs allocated virtual ram. The reason i cant use my 128 card i got is because there is AGP slot on the motherboard of this comp =/

Just yesterday i reformatted this new computer and reinstalled windows. Before then i was lagging pretty bad anyways, but now with 150ish ping and spikes of 1k plus, this is stupid. Im spiking every 10 seconds or so. What is the problem? Should i buy a new motherboard and hope the video card was the problem? or what?


before buying a whoel new board i would try to find a video card you can use. integrated video can be a killer sometimes. i try not to have too many compnonents integrated because half of the time they all share the same bus and the system gets bogged down. plus they use part of your RAM.
you didnt read what i said, or i didnt make it clear:

This motherboard has no AGP or PCI Express port. That means I cannot plug ANY type of video card into my motherboard. And the motherboard i need only costs like $40.00, but i got that covered. Im asking if there is any software-ish problems that are causing this. Im already going to buy a motherboard regardless, since i cant play anything less than 5 yrs old on this pos 32 megs


actaully i was referring to getting a regualr PCI card form someone to plug in. most tech guys will still have one laying around for just such an occassion. but it sounds like you should just get a new MB since it doesnt have AGP or PCI Express


A motherboard with no aGP/PCO-Express slots isn't worth using. Its most likely bottlenecking your computer.

Motherboards are mad cheap anyway, why wouldn't you get a new one?
ok. you arent getting it. Im replacing the motherboard regardless of whether or not its the problem. Im asking if there is any SOFTWARE (i.e. Win XP configurations) that are causing this. Trillian is not the problem. Gaim is a piece of shit that is advertised through the windows messanger service (which i disabled). And PB, if you read what i said, i AM getting a new one. I didnt build this computer it was free, so i cant complain too much.


I hope you scanned your pc with Spy Doctor and with some good antivirus proggy like Nod32. Run defrag and clean your registry with let's say System Mechanic or other software.

It could be that you have to install your motherboard chipset drivers, or try installing winxp sp2.

Try decreasing your page file size to 512mb, cause there is no need to have 2 gigs of virtual ram when you have 1gig of physicall ram. And your mobo sucks btw.

Try increasing priority of your uo client at Task manager.


mook few questions

when you reformatted your computer did you use the same drivers that you used before.

if it truly is a problem with software most likely your problem is with drivers

often smaller companies release awful drivers that sometimes don't perform as well as the older drivers

or more commonly if you use the drivers that were given to you with the computer (driver cd) problems can
be resolved by downloading updated drivers on said companies site.

since you recently reformatted your computer spyware is most likely not the cause, however during installation
if you did not have windows firewall on during initial windows setup you might actually have spyware

as far as your modem spikes this could be due to driver issues


maybe you might have to cold boot your modem by unplugging everything on your cable modem / dsl for
about 1 min then plugging them back in. same with routers as aged routers can perform badly.

Recently one of my friends had the same problem but his modem was very old. he called comcast and got
a new modem for free and that fixed most of his problems.

I for one would do the following

1.) Driver check, Graphics card Network card (rarely on some boards even bad soundcard drivers can cause lag)
note: make sure to uninstall previous drivers before you install new ones and always use the factory drivers and not
Microsoft update drivers.

2.) Modem & Router cold reboot

3.) as Trouble shooting maybe Lower Hardware acceleration in your Advanced video card settings to see if it helps until you get your new motherboard. do this by lowering it one notch at a time and testing it. maybe 3 maximum notches.

If you still have problems after this let me know.


yea i agree you dont need that much ram tho it can really be helpful but mabey your hard drive got a virus and its running usless programs that will just use up video memory and cpu power its worth a look, look in the task manger go into process's my comp ussaly dosent run over 30 natrally unless im running application

oh and also i found defender pro to be a very easy to use and reliable virus decter and spyware decter. it also comes with a firewall and alkl the other good junk for keeping you comp safe. it has other abilitys i wont get into it mabey you could try it