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Profession Question

Hi there I am trying to think of a profession I can choose to work on. I've tried blacksmith, and it is a ok not super awesome just alright you make money from transpowder, copper runic, or bronze runic pretty much it.

Now I'm thinking about talioring, but I notice horn sells for so cheap like 90k, and this is too damn easy to afford, and it only take 30 min of farming gold to get 90k. I wonder why talioring might be worth doing does it yield enough horn to make it worth doing talioring?

I'm trying to figure out what profession might be worth playing cause everything on the market is so cheap, and I don't know if it is worth the labor doing all that bodding.

Can anybody tell me how often you can make barb kit lets suppose you reset 300 bods a day how often can you get a barb kit? How many bod reset does it take avg for a barb kit?
fully depleted does it mean 500 reset turn into 400 reset turn into 300 reset turn into 200 reset turn into 100 reset?

would that mean it would take 2,000 bod or close to 3,000 bod to get a barb kit?


500 resets is really about 1000 when fully depleted, less if you fill the low end rewards instead of turning those into resets. My math counts everything cloth or plain leather that doesn't give a HRSK as a reset.