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@ red sonja

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Yea, I strongly dislike you aswell.

Guard whacking is for pussies, and so is casting a revenant in PvP. You can even frikken run away from those things! I think he got scared after me killing his 3 adders and Lethaling him twice.
rofl, you would of liked my original post then :>

i got a vid of him wanting to duel and he took me like 5 miles away from brit telling me i couldnt use explosion or curse or anything in the duel, but he could use all necro spells and everything.

so then i just bolaed him and eved him to death

it was hillarious

then he cried in irc..


Haha, I want to see that video - at that one to your collection in the Factions forum.

Wanna PM me the original post? lol.

And his little Blue buddy was the frikken Guard Hacker...God guys, get some skill - don't realy on the flippin guards.
I see absolutely no purpose for this thread. A few of the posts come dangerously close to breaking the rules of conduct.

* As a result this thread will not only be moved to off topic, but will be closed. *
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