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Runic Staves


so ive been wondering
i see people craft black staves with ash wood which i get why.
but i also see some quarter staves made with ash wood. what reason would that be.
Blackstaff = 2.75s Swing (so ash is good. essentially makes it 2.5s )
Quarterstaff = 2.25s Swing ( so why make it with ash wood? if you'll have to anyways have enough stam for the black staff?)
seems like a waste of woodtype imo. why not bloodwood, or Frost wood(elemental damage) or even oak for some Luck?

I also see the same thing happen with Repeating crossbows.

can anybody who crafts lots of weapons with wood types pitch in?


so ive been wondering
i see people craft black staves with ash wood which i get why.
but i also see some quarter staves made with ash wood. what reason would that be.
Blackstaff = 2.75s Swing (so ash is good. essentially makes it 2.5s )
Quarterstaff = 2.25s Swing ( so why make it with ash wood? if you'll have to anyways have enough stam for the black staff?)
seems like a waste of woodtype imo. why not bloodwood, or Frost wood(elemental damage) or even oak for some Luck?

I also see the same thing happen with Repeating crossbows.

can anybody who crafts lots of weapons with wood types pitch in?
The only other useful property from any other wood would be hci, which you shouldn't rely on a weapon for hci. And Di, which most sampires have max di with the +40 from an exceptional weapon.

Bloodwood/heartwood/frostwood are the absolute worst wood to use for any staff.


Not everyone runs HLL

Staffs are 2Handed, meaning if your Stan gets low, you can't just chug a pot. So the more SSI you have the longer you can go without having to waste a divine fury on stamina.

If Bloodwood was HSL it would be a way different story, but its not.


only one leech can hit on a single target at a time. so having 2 leeches is better than 3 against a single target. this does not include double strike or whirlwind (multiple targets)


i guess.
then again. does the extra life leech helps because Quarter staffs have pretty Low damage?
Extra life leech will not help, but extra ssi and hci will help.
Also you use quarter staff only for single targets, and double strike makes pretty good damage.
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