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Shard Rules.

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Shard Rules.

I will take this opportunity to introduce myself. Some of you will know me from the RunUO forums, and some of you will not.

I am the new Administrator in the shard. Thank you for the invitation and the privelage psz.

I use the same handle in the RunUO forums, but do not post for me there if you need anything here.

The only reason that I mention it, is so that you can get a feeling for the way I enforce the rules.

I will be enforcing the rules here in the forums, and in the shard with the same methods as in the RunUO forums, which some have said is slightly brutal. Do NOT expect me to take crap from anyone for whatever reason.

If you follow the rules, then we can certainly have some fun. I look forward to meeting you, both, here in the forums, and in the shard.


And i will take this time to welcome you as well to Demise... hope you will be with us for a good long while... and truthfully its been awhile since one that fits so well with has come along.. well aside from Ferris but that is aside from the point.. and it is good to see someone else who will be enforcing the rules on the game itself.. i guess i wont be the only one to scare the ever loving hell out of people :D glad to have ya aboard =D

Nice welcome :)
Are u gonna make more events ??? what are u giving to this shard ??

And w0w u take no crap from nobody, does that make u feel tougher ?

I want a fair gm/admin whater....not another smartass :)

no offence...Welcome again....If u want ppl to see the shard rules, maby they should be posted on the frontpage www.uodemise.com.

All flames goes to /dev/zero :)


kajcake said:
Nice welcome :)
Are u gonna make more events ??? what are u giving to this shard ??

And w0w u take no crap from nobody, does that make u feel tougher ?

I want a fair gm/admin whater....not another smartass :)

no offence...Welcome again....If u want ppl to see the shard rules, maby they should be posted on the frontpage www.uodemise.com.

All flames goes to /dev/zero :)
I don't like your "hollier than thou" attitude so i will make it simple: play by the rules, which are made to benefit whole shard or ....well we will not miss you.
Whats the point of having a forum, if ppl cant express their feelings/toughts ??

If i say i wont miss Lyra too, would that give me another strike ??

If u ever want to make this shard better, try and listen to the players...

And i still think its a good idea, to post the rules, on the front page.....


Try reading your own posts and think if you would listen to ppl who express their comments in such non-constructive way.



read what my signature says... it means just that.. continue and you will be victim number 25 :)

remember the rules respect your fellow players and you wont deal with me or anyone else who is a GM or Admin :) its just that simple
As Nanny BitterRose once said: "Well, dear, if you don't have anything nice to say, Shut the F*** up....."(hmmm, wonder if this post would be editted ..)

(Edit: and I think is bad to badmouth someone who put in the time and effort to do things for FREE...you should be patting them in the back..(a pat that is not even remotely-sexual, believe me, I almost got slapped with a harressment suit once... ...) and be buying them coffee.....)


I don't understand it, You get to play for free why complain about that,these indaviduals that are running this shard are going out of there way for you and everyone else on this shard to be able to enjoy the game for free, so why dont you think about that first before you start downing everyone thats admin/gm or who ever for that mater...

It's a game for all to enjoy not to bad mouth everyone....

If you dont like how it is then leave you wont be hurting any of our feelings ther are many other shards out there to play on....

Are u gonna make more events ??? what are u giving to this shard ??

And w0w u take no crap from nobody, does that make u feel tougher ?

I want a fair gm/admin whater....not another smartass

Totaly not called for,thing to yourself would you enjoy reading that if someone shoots you down, No you wouldn't
Well they didnt even answer that question.....

So are we gonna get more events like on osi ??

Cant see any harm in asking, what kind of stuff the new admin guy are gonna give to this shard, other than saying that, he take no crap from nobody !?
kajcake said:
Well they didnt even answer that question.....

So are we gonna get more events like on osi ??

Cant see any harm in asking, what kind of stuff the new admin guy are gonna give to this shard, other than saying that, he take no crap from nobody !?

There is no harm in asking politley..... but....Ye god, Just Read what you wrote earlier...... and if you don't think thats just a tincy little bit offensive... (hint: Smart-Alec/Holyier than thou) then can't really help you....

Think, Psz was very nice and put up with alot of crap..(he does, way more than anyone would expect...)

now, Quantos probley know about that, and probley decided not to take the crap that Psz was so leaniant(spelled wrong, but sound it out..) about..

Edit: To break it down, lets look at what you said: (I used some Hyperbole to make sure you get my point...okie? )

kajcake said:
Nice welcome
Are u gonna make more events ??? what are u giving to this shard ??

Okie, that secound part of that line boarderlines interrogation... with a boomstick, the guy just got here for C**** sake...let him feel the shard alittle, settle in. and make himself comfortable first...

kajcake said:
And w0w u take no crap from nobody, does that make u feel tougher ?

The secound part of this line again... that is so a statment that is used to pick a fight with someone....

kajcake said:
I want a fair gm/admin whater....not another smartass

Theres a smartass....just not who you think it is...

kajcake said:
no offence...Welcome again....If u want ppl to see the shard rules, maby they should be posted on the frontpage www.uodemise.com.

Duh, is like saying, "Oh, I Spend a night with your Wife, no offence..and here is what you should do....."(Hyperbole, but you get the point...although some wouldn't mind.... the rare ones...)

kajcake said:
All flames goes to /dev/zero


kajcake said:
Whats the point of having a forum, if ppl cant express their feelings/toughts ??

Yes, a forum is a place to express their feelings and thoughts, but do it with consideration of other people's feelings.... I bet you anyone who says... "Hitler is _______(some praise for him.) and Jews deserve what happened" will get banned sooooo fast....

Freedom of speech is a good thing, as long as you make sure you are Civil about it.

kajcake said:
If i say i wont miss Lyra too, would that give me another strike ??

.... (Just give him another strike..hes asking for it...it would be Rude not to give it to him....)

kajcake said:
If u ever want to make this shard better, try and listen to the players...

thoughtful Constructive Criticizsm.... use it.... if someone says "I want to wipe Tram/Malas/Ilsh so ppl are trapped in fel, it will make pvp so much better, " now, if that is said/impremented, I am sure alot of people will be pissed off...
best make the shard the way it is, and the players will come if its good...

and yeah, we are suppose to be an OSI clone... so... we change like OSI does.

kajcake said:
And i still think its a good idea, to post the rules, on the front page.....
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You have to remember that this is a TEST shard not a Production shard, the Guys/Gals doing this have their hands full trying to keep up with OSI updates.

You want events? why not organise your own, its not that hard.
U are so wrong, Lyra got the answer he deserved for his rude behavior.
He cant talk shit like that, just because he is admin.

All i did was asking simple questions...But do the person i asked the question answer ??

And no psz i dont derserve a strike, bcos there aient any rule posted anywhere, stating i cant answer questions, to an admin or player.

There is no rules anywhere saying i cant state that i dont like admins who act like smartasses etc etc..

I didnt in any way state that the present admins were or was smartasses.
Reading this thread might put someone or none in another light in the future.

So lets all play some uo, and kill this thread :p
kajcake said:
U are so wrong, Lyra got the answer he deserved for his rude behavior.
He cant talk shit like that, just because he is admin.
Wrong, because he is staff he can actually talk anyway he wants, it's one of the privelages that goes with the office.
All i did was asking simple questions...But do the person i asked the question answer ??
Then you need to learn how to ask a question politely. I'm not one of your drinking buddies that you can talk to anyway you please. Learn that now, or get out now. If I feel that your question doesn't deserve an answer, then guess what, you're not getting one.
And no psz i dont derserve a strike, bcos there aient any rule posted anywhere, stating i cant answer questions, to an admin or player.
Yes, you can question the staff, again though, you need to learn how to be polite though.
There is no rules anywhere saying i cant state that i dont like admins who act like smartasses etc etc..
Read the rules again. Treat the staff with respect. We are volunteers and owe you nothing.
I didnt in any way state that the present admins were or was smartasses.
Reading this thread might put someone or none in another light in the future.

So lets all play some uo, and kill this thread :p
That may not be what you intended, but that is sure as the hell how it came out. I will suggest in the future that if you are not sure about how to say something that you get a freind to translate it. You will notice that I had the decency to post the rules in Portuguese, so I expect the same consideration in return.

I will expect to see your behaviour to be improved the next time you post here regarding staff, and you owe Lyra an apology.

*This Thread is Closed.*


Actually, kajcake, you did deserve the first strike.

You also deserve the second one that you've just receieved.

I have no problems with anyone questioning any of the staff over anything... If done PROPERLLY.

You were blatantly arrogant and rude, as OTHER PLAYERS have even stated.

Clean up your attitude, or find another server. Simple as that.
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