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sheriff of brit is buford t justice irl

sheriff of brit is buford t justice irl

wtf wasting 50k silver on guards so you can win a fight? Makes you look sad like you needed them to win the 1v1 you were having. Since you obviously never been a sheriff you save the silver for times of need.
Times of need are defending sigils, protecting monolith after brit sig has been corrupted and when you are about to loose brit.


You have to start to understand that no one gives a fuck about their faction here. They are all centered on personal growth as a uber reet PvPer and making it known how leet they are.
Not saying i want it this way.
Ppl here are just selfish.


This is why noone will ever be as good as CoM when IC/CiA were around :<

Love us, hate us, or whetever the fuck you thought. We knew that we were doing.


DementedJester said:
This is why noone will ever be as good as CoM when IC/CiA were around :<

Love us, hate us, or whetever the fuck you thought. We knew that we were doing.

Sure did, i mean when Com had its turrets, they were real good, but you are stating the fact when CiA was in COM, i cant speak of harsh language about it because I dident play factions at that time.


Son - I am John. Erkle is I.

We decided to go CoM before IC came back, we'd been treated like shit by all our so called friends from minax, grief attempts etc. At the time it was me Tiens and I. agaisnt every other faction. We are team players, even if the guild is seperate from other faction guilds. IC helped us, we helped them. That simple.

When you fight along side people, win or lose, you become friends. I'm proud that CiA was a thorn in IC's side while we were Minax. Sometimes we won, others we lost. Did CiA bend over and become IC's bitch? No. We entered on our own terms.

To anyone else who infers that we sold out or layed down - jealousy has a way of distorting the truth.

[edit]i cleared up a few typos[/edit]


DementedJester said:
Son - I am John. Erkle is I.

We decided to go CoM before IC came back, we'd been treated like shit by all our so called friends from minax, grief attempts etc. At the time ti was me Tiend and I. agaisnt every other faction. We are team players, even if the guild is seperate from other faction guilds. IC helped us, we helped them. That simple.

When you fight along side people, win or lose, you become friends. I'm proud that CiA was a thorn in IC's side while we were Minax. Sometimes we won, others we lost. Did CiA bend over and become IC's bitch? No. We entered on our own terms.

To anyone else who infers that we sold out or layed down - jealousy has a way of distorting the truth.



Wu can say more with a single "::nods::" than you newbies can say in 16 paragraphs. Presuming you remember to use paragraphs that is.