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Sir Tristan in Exile

Sir Tristan

Sir Tristan in Exile

Across a devestated wasteland, the once proud warrior works his way through the obstacles of fallen trees and storm blown debris. He seeks the comfort of the world he was once part of, but has been away from for so long.

He is filled with fear. Not for himself in his unwanted exile, but for the shard that he had come to love. He fears that without the aid of his sword, the remaining blues will have difficulty in overcoming the predations of the vile reds of the shard.

Soon, he tells himself. Soon, this godforsaken journey through this blighted land will be over, and once again I can take my destined place in the wilds of Fel, battling those that would do harm to the shard I call home. Soon they will be buried under piles of my corpses so that they cannot run as I attack them with my faithful sword.

Carried on the wind comes a hauntingly familiar sound. A smile crosses his weather beaten face. His swamp dragon is near, and his return will be that much quicker.

Soon Sir Tristan will return to Demise.