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Sl Guilds


Sl Guilds

Leave a way to contact yourself, or a ventrillo channel. So we can take over.

My Contact :



the only way they'll take over is when CiA leaves to play SWG, and half of IC go to play WoW/EQ2.
If they leave for SWG they'll be disappointed... I played it for a month and was the best pvp on the fucking server... it was ridiculous... I dropped jedis left n right after i killed two jedis at one time I turned off my account.. I was like wow this game sucks... like really sucks.... BUT!! and this is a BIG but, I havent played it with the space expansion.... and space + mmorpg = fucking ill...


Well done?
You took a town while pretty much noone's playing.
What do you want, a fucking parade?

On my 3rd day of playing the shard i went SL, that night, Sir Ryan, Jenova, myself and DuH- (Erkle) took 7 of 8 towns with 12 people.


P.S. We secured Skara the same way you secured Trinsic. Noone gives a good two fucks.

An Old Lady

DementedJester said:
Well done?
You took a town while pretty much noone's playing.
What do you want, a fucking parade?

On my 3rd day of playing the shard i went SL, that night, Sir Ryan, Jenova, myself and DuH- (Erkle) took 7 of 8 towns with 12 people.


P.S. We secured Skara the same way you secured Trinsic. Noone gives a good two fucks.

You've gotten really angry all of a sudden


Not really, it's 10am, i've not ahd any coffee yet.

Was up till 4 playing SWG.

I'll let you do the math on that one.

Also see the Daily Mail P. 43. You'll get a good laugh.*


*only applies to British forum goers.