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Someone trolled Guy Fieri's new restaurant!


Oh Bahaha nice one.
Ps I thought it was real accept the guys balls dish lol thought someone maybe hacked his website and added that in there as the trolling.


About my edit... Lol I actually only read the balls one and looked at the titles for the rest.. Upon further inspection I see now lol pretty funny "38 oz of supper-saddened wolf meat" <-- rofl


lol...i guess its a great way to force a celebrity to pay a good sum of cash if he wants his domain.....or a good way to get sued lol


"Football: The Meal-
Warm, broken hamburgers served in a clear plastic bag enclosed in a larger, black trash bag. Thrown at you from 40 yards"
Picturing this in my head gave me a good laugh. someone really put alot of thought into trolling this menu


Forum Member of the year 09'
"add a Cinnabon and two more Cinnabons"

Hahahaha, thanks for sharing this.