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I did ridgebacks from 100 to 105 taming fairly quickly. I soulstoned the majority of my skills off so I would be at about 300 skill total and it didn't take me long at all. At 105 taming and 115 lore, you should have really high control chance.


I tamed Delucia Bulls from about 55-115.
Using items to stay near the 71.6 mark needed, then removed items as I went along till 71.6 base.
Using Soulstones to lower your total skill points, makes it much easier.

T. Pwent


I tamed Delucia Bulls from about 55-115.
Using items to stay near the 71.6 mark needed, then removed items as I went along till 71.6 base.
Using Soulstones to lower your total skill points, makes it much easier.

T. Pwent
Bulls also respawn faster than ridgebacks


Also, some nights there is like 10x spawns of bulls and sometimes it's about 8 only.
If you have soulstones, use them, they make a hell of a difference.


Also, some nights there is like 10x spawns of bulls and sometimes it's about 8 only.
If you have soulstones, use them, they make a hell of a difference.
i notice i get gains even when i dont suceed. so wil i gain faster based on the amount of skill checks ?


Not 100% sure on that, but then depending on your total skill points, you will gain on fails from the GGS (pending how close you are to 700/720SP).
Using Soulstones, I dropped 4 skills to 0, and took Anim Lore, Taming and Magery (to recall). With an average of 250-300 SP, so I would gain faster. One night I messed up dropping skills, after capping 100 Taming, I dropped it to 0, by mistake. On using the stones, and my jewelry to get to 71.6 taming, I capped back to 100 taming in 1 Saturday (+-8am till 2am the Sunday). It was not pleasant, but I got it out the way. A few days later, I found a 115 taming scroll, did the same thing again, and dropped all my skills to 0, and took about 4h to get 100-115 base taming.

Hope that helps.

T. Pwent


Bug Huntress
you will gain on fails from the GGS
Does not apply to Demise and if it did you would still have to be successful in whatever you are doing to get the gain.With GGS on OSI it only happens on successes not failures

Taken from your link:
Characters will only be able to gain skill after having successfully performed an action

i notice i get gains even when i dont suceed.
On Demise as long as you do not have a 100% chance to succeed you will gain
On OSI with 99.9 skill in Inscription you would GM that skill with the GGS by making a recall scroll
On Demise it will never happen

That is why when you are training a skill you always check to see what spell to cast/item to craft/creature to tame/etc where you have the minimum chance to succeed (0.2% is ideal)