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Thank the lord


The damn Twilight movies ARE FINALLY DONE. I never have to see another Facebook post about grown adults being so excited they are on the verge of pissing themselves at the thought of finding out what happens next in the lives of the glittery vampire, the closeted homosexual werewolf, and the far to pale anorexic complaining girl.

Code Blue

The damn Twilight movies ARE FINALLY DONE. I never have to see another Facebook post about grown adults being so excited they are on the verge of pissing themselves at the thought of finding out what happens next in the lives of the glittery vampire, the closeted homosexual werewolf, and the far to pale anorexic complaining girl.
View attachment 80953

Ack! dexter!

Dont even mention this stupid fucking movie! I hate the people who like this shit, including my girlfriend.


Almost had went with my daughter but last minute she decided she would rather see Rise of the Guardians (very good animation btw).
I was happy because I haven't seen any of the others since the first movie disappointed me so terribly.
How could they take a nice vampire and make him all stupid and sparkly is beyond me.

Code Blue

Almost had went with my daughter but last minute she decided she would rather see Rise of the Guardians (very good animation btw).
I was happy because I haven't seen any of the others since the first movie disappointed me so terribly.
How could they take a nice vampire and make him all stupid and sparkly is beyond me.
Sparkly vampires like butt sex doesn't everyone know that?


I enjoy the movies. I do feel the vampires could be way more... badass, though. 'Tough' even without killing innocent humans. Also, you rarely see their fangs. The glittery thing, I actually found quite clever when I read it in the books. It was a new change to vampires that I felt was creative. If you read the books, it isn't "glitter" it's more like a glow or shine to their skin, where a human could tell there was something eerie about them, but not quite put their finger on it, if they were to see it. I have yet to see the final movie, but I know what happens. I'm quite concerned with how they'll project Bella's talent. In the book, it almost seems cheesy that she is all powerful with it (once she hones it in) but what else could be her talent to end the story happily?

Oh god, in Part I where Jacob is 'becoming Werewolf pack leader' is so fucking bad, I laughed out loud. It is WAY better done in the books.
What are you even talking about? that post might as well be in Japanese or something because i dont think anyone knows what your talking about

Code Blue

What does that say? i cant read =/
私は映画を楽しむことができます。私は吸血鬼は方法より多く感じるかもしれない...たちの悪いやつ、しかし。でも、無実の人間を殺すことなく、'タフ'。また、彼らの牙をめったに見ません。私は本でそれを読んだとき、キラキラなことは、私は実際には非常に巧妙な発見。それは私が創造的だと感じた吸血鬼に新しい変化であった。あなたの本を読めば、それは "輝き"それは彼らが見た場合、人間が、そこにそれらについて不気味な何かがあったが、かなりそれに指を入れないで言うことができる彼らの肌に輝きや輝き、もっとじゃないですそれ。私は最終的なムービーを未だ見たことがありませんが、私は何が起こるか知っています。私はかなり彼らがベラの才能を投影しますどのように心配です。本の中で、それはほとんど彼女が(彼女はそれを背中までに一度)それを持つすべての強力であること安っぽいようだが、ほかに何かすることは喜んで話を終了するために彼女の才能でしょうか?



私は映画を楽しむことができます。私は吸血鬼は方法より多く感じるかもしれない...たちの悪いやつ、しかし。でも、無実の人間を殺すことなく、'タフ'。また、彼らの牙をめったに見ません。私は本でそれを読んだとき、キラキラなことは、私は実際には非常に巧妙な発見。それは私が創造的だと感じた吸血鬼に新しい変化であった。あなたの本を読めば、それは "輝き"それは彼らが見た場合、人間が、そこにそれらについて不気味な何かがあったが、かなりそれに指を入れないで言うことができる彼らの肌に輝きや輝き、もっとじゃないですそれ。私は最終的なムービーを未だ見たことがありませんが、私は何が起こるか知っています。私はかなり彼らがベラの才能を投影しますどのように心配です。本の中で、それはほとんど彼女が(彼女はそれを背中までに一度)それを持つすべての強力であること安っぽいようだが、ほかに何かすることは喜んで話を終了するために彼女の才能でしょうか?

LoL Did you take the time to copy and paste Reigns post into a translator?
Reigns post, in Japanese. Nice touch lol