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The Differences Between Shards


The Differences Between Shards

Hi there. I'm new to all this non-official shard business and came across the three RunUO shards. I was just wondering, what acctually is the difference between these shards? I'm trying to work out which will be the best for me so any help would be great. If it does make any difference I live in England and enjoy roleplaying, with a mixture of both PvP and PvM. Thanks alot :D.


well this is the osi clone of the 3 offical runuoshards.
this shards an exact osi clone except for mondains legacy and a few SE features.
but it is constantly being updated to keep up with osi
Hybrid is full of wolfs :p

Its a pvp shard with fast skill gain and its pre aos very old school.... you click on an item and you dont get its properties (i was frustrated)

Demise is a close enough OSI clone

and the other one well I forgot.
Since your into RP, you may be interested to now that We (CiV) have set up a player run town, named Emerald Glenn. I am the mayor of the town, and I also run the Komodo Tavern, where we hold Story night every other Wed.

This Wed. Actually :)

Check the links in my sig if you are interested.



PraWN said:
Hybrid? I thought it was just Demise, Gamers and Rebirth?
Sorry, I just realised that it's called UOGamers: Hybrid :). What about Rebirth though? Thanks for this people :D.

ViriiGuy: Looks very good, may have to get involved once I start playing hopefully :D.


Hybrid is dodgy, every screen has a red player and today i was killed at a moongate because four reds had meteor swarm ready and cast as i stepped through.

Demise is ok but people really should talk more

I have never played rebirth


I am a trammy...
Put it this way...
Demise is the trammies shard.

The only PK zone is felucca!
So if you want to PvP for abit just drop in there else just wonder about and do your what you like :D
Your other option is to start a i spose RP guild like [SoS] and war all evil guilds lol!

Out of the free shards i have played over the years i have found this shard so far to be the best.
Yes people do need to be alittle more 'social' but i think there is a invisible language barrier that most people dont understand or see...

Other then that the people that do talk to you are generally nice..
You do get the odd 12 year old hot shot talking like they have played uo for 50years and could kick your arse just by looking at you..
But thats with any server :rolleyes:

The things i like about this server are:
Staff - Handle things in a very professional manner..
Updates are documented for all to see.. Warnings are given to
Potential outages.

Players - People like ViriiGuy are what makes UO so enjoyable.
The amount of people is great.. Its abit sucky to log in to a
Server and see... 8 players online.

Theres more but i cbf right now..
Things i have come to hate..
My ISP now and then seems to either change routes or one point in the route gets all flustered and lags :(
Aka lagmonster :mad:


zord said:
The only PK zone is felucca!
So if you want to PvP for abit just drop in there else just wonder about and do your what you like :D
Your other option is to start a i spose RP guild like [SoS] and war all evil guilds lol!
Well PvP is dead anyway and I do not see it coming back - you can PM me to join :p .


Yeah OSI made sure of that..
First split facets then Artifacts...
And apparently some of the SE / ML skills will allow people to be able to beat even the most decked out arti whore...

*end rumor


UOGamers: Hybrd == PreAOS with some AOS and Pre-R features
UOGamers: Demise == OSI clone (as much as possible)
UOGamers: Rebirth == Original UO (PreT2A) with minor differences

I used to staff Hybrid, am the semi-retired admin of Demise, and love Rebirth to the point where I tell Demise players to give it a shot :-P


Rebirth is actually really cool. I've been testing the waters and think that since I'm old school uo rebirth is the way to go. Demise is awsome but the more changes that get added the less I want to play :(.


Amnesia said:
Hybrid is full of wolfs :p

Its a pvp shard with fast skill gain and its pre aos very old school.... you click on an item and you dont get its properties (i was frustrated)

Demise is a close enough OSI clone

and the other one well I forgot.

you are frustrated? i am fascinated by that :D