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The Funniest Pages Ever!


The Funniest Pages Ever!

This one might prove to be interesting and a bit funny
I ask that all Demise staff post on this one 2
the question is what was the funniest page anyone as a staff member on any shard has recieved
Never been staff? hows about posting the questions you have asked!


That's a tough one... I've gotten alot...

Lesse "Help Me" was good.
"I'm lost, take me to <blah>" are always fun...

"How do I call guards" is good for a laugh

"Someone is fucking my horse!" was obscure and interesting (Horse theft, or something)

I think the best had to be "How do I play this game?" (Actual page was less... Gramatically correct)
Funniest? most annoying? hehehe.
Some examples of pages i got as staffmember for my previous shard:

"X is rezkilling me, plz ban!"
(Of course this was happening in Fel and the player refused to understand that it's not rezkilling if you rez and keep returning to the red as he loots your corpse dry)

"My account got hacked!"
(Usually due to carelesness with passwords or letting someone <family member/friend/online friend> use their account)

"How long until i go blue again?
(Haha as if i'd answer that one. You got the counts, you do the math)

"X stole/scammed me out of my <insert expensive item/arty>, can i get it back?"
(No! That's what trade windows, item insurance and common sense are for)

"Could you jail me plz? i wanna know what it looks like"
(Why, of course. *sends player to jail* See you in 24 hours) :)
Last night somebody actually paged me because he was dead, and didn't know how to get out of the first floor of the dungeon he was in.
omg someone stealled from me
i lost
me need help
this is stuppid why doesnt this server have stat and skill stones...
i visit jail want

I would like for players that when they page they provide a description of their problem :p


Did any of you guys actually get a page over someone complaining that a guy said "Rape and Pillage!"? The guy threatened to page a GM, so I had to stay and whatch to see if anything actually happened ;).

I can se this thread getting very funny.


here's a few from a previous shard i played on



Sir Tristan said:
Does it count if you've needed the GM's help and not known HOW to page them?

lol, when I was new... I thought the GMs were pretty much god, which I guess they are... so I would just say in game what I needed thinking they would hear me...
This isn't a page in game, but somebody in the forums PM'd me to get me to change thier password.
After messaging them that they need to page me in game on the account that they want the PW changed on they then clarified that it was the password for the account that they use on the Forums.


A page on hybrid a long time ago. (I can't find the SShot of it right now)

This is exactly what the page was....a page... ingame...

"is the server up?"


Ahhh... Finally someone who REALISES where the players stand compared to the EVIL STAFF!!!!!