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The rudeness of youth...


The rudeness of youth...

[beware rant post follows...]
[don't say i didn't warn you...]

[now its YOUR problem too...]

ok, now for the actual post.

today, within 2-3 hours of each other, i was approached by two YOUNG players. the first one came up to me when i was mining (he's called Negao) and after bragging about how well he knew the game, said to me, "Can u help me, i need money give me plz". at this i said "lol2 cos he had just been bragging about his 'skills', and he proceeded to call me "idiot green man" (my character at the time was dressed in an all-green suit).

I mean, OMG!!!

Then, the next incident, I was at a forge, when a young guy cam eright up to me and said, "armor plz" and that was it. when i started to explain that I would (cos i generally help out youth with armour and weaps when i can) make him some armour, but he should have asked WAY better, he ran off!

Third example of idiotness in youth:
A player had obviously just created a new account, as he was in haven, at te bank, and his name was "AAAA", and he just sat there, spamming random letters over and over! Example:
This is an accurate representation of what he did.

I think all new players should have to take an APTITUDE TEST to weed out idiots!

On an aside, I have found recently some pets around the haven area, with names "fu**er". I think that names like this could, if possible, be coded by the game to be one of those "That name is unacceptable" names.

[rant over]
[breathe again...]


Well... the thing is that people need to learn to be polite first, then to use the internet for games.
Yesterday, for example, a player approached me and asked me what he could use to train. When It seems that he was wanting to train swordmanship. As he was being really nice I took him to the solen hiven to obtain a beetle for his char. When he was unable to beat just 1 solen hiven worker, I noticed that his skills were not yet "as developed" as I was expecting (just 10 swordmanship is not a good thing to go hunting ronins yet... ) I helped him also by killing some of the stuff on our way to the beetle and dropping the gold from the corpses so he could carry it and, that way, buy some bandies and some skill.
The only difference with other players approaching and asking for gold, armor or help and not obtaining it was being polite.
People can obtain a lot of help from "older" players if being polite. Being rude does not help much, not here, not outside in the real world.


More idiot noobs...

JogA - Left books with swearing littered around Haven, for fun, said he was 22 and bored, I said he should go kill something (in game of course) and he called me a jerk and ran off...

seriously, somebody ban him, hes a real douche
Ignorance is only way to deal with idiots in game. Trying explain something to real idiots won't help. Especialy when they are rude.
If their parents didn't learn them polite, some guys from game also won't.

Ahhh ignorance, ignorance :)


Punkers Slave said:
You guys should play Hybrid, rofl. /sarcasm :rolleyes:
i dont get it(is it about 'vets' playing hybrid and not noobs? ). im relatively young to this game..
oh, before i get any older...
GIVE ME MONIES!!!!!!!!!! :p :p :p


Dirty Words

In the Options menu of your client there is a profanity filter. It works for pets names also. You can add whatever to it that you want. Just a little advice.


best way if you dont want to be aproshed by young players do all you need to in fel and there is alot of places to mine in t2a


if you think its bad in uo, try playing cs source,

you get to lsiten to a bunch of kids who admit to being under the age of 13 yell and abuse you if you die, or yell pwned and crap irl.
not to mention singing and other things 9yo's do :|


That's why if someone says to me "give me money" or something like that with a bit of *1337* in it like "g1v m3 monie", not only do I not give them money, I "politely" tell them to get the hell away from me (it actually comes out polite haha).

If someone were to ask me nicely like "Hey, I'm new to the game and need some money to get started" I still don;t give them money. But I do tell them good ways to get money if they are a crafter or take them hunting if they are a warrior or mage or something.

And as far as people with names like "BODSnatcher", those characters should be deleted instantly and accounts banned. That is just plain ridiculous and makes my gameplay experience worse. If I wanted to see a bunch or morons running around acting like a chicken with no head, I would throw some weed at a group of drug-nuts from my school.


DarkLotus said:
if you think its bad in uo, try playing cs source,

you get to lsiten to a bunch of kids who admit to being under the age of 13 yell and abuse you if you die, or yell pwned and crap irl.
not to mention singing and other things 9yo's do :|

It's true they fucking sing, it sounds like a young woman being operated on without anesthetics. But surfing = awesome
Also if you play with a 9yo on CS, its your god-given civic duty to specifically target them, tk, whatever do what ya gotta do. These people are our future gentlemen, they should be studying, face in the books, not squeeking out greenday, in their Sonic-Frequency bat tones