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The Spirit of Turkey

The Spirit of Turkey

In the Spirit of the Great Turkey god, what are you uoians grateful and thankful for this year?

I am thankful for life, starting my masters, having Leticia as a member of the family (sisters baby) and for having another one on the way! For rescuing a Boxer that was abused and giving it a new home and taking care of her.
I am thankful for all the good people i have met irl and in uo, and for all the fun I had here on the server and for mario (Kephren) and eric (Belzebuth) from Montereal dragging me into this server when I was kicking and screaming no more UO.
im thankful for my wife, my family, and my new family in law. I'm also thankful for my Career, my talents and for all the good food im gonna be eating thursday!


I am thankful that this shard will be up eventually, and not just shut down like most shards do when under attack.


god damn, u dont love turkey u love Turki. now remmeber this. im free right now will be booked up on xmas though :(

comwiz72 said:
brits dont have thanksgiving, but i love turkey... :mad:

i have to wait until christmas...


im thankfull i have tommorow of since i work in a grocery store that's nearest competion just closed so, like, you think shopping for water durring a hurricane warning is crazy...yeah.


well, even though i only live with my dad and we dont celebrate thanksgiving really, im thankful for having him, and good friends, and good health. I will also be very thankful when the shard comes back up =p.


Im thankful for this game, my girl, my family, my health, my friends, the food i eat, hmm... ill get to you for some more of the things that im thankful for.


Well since us Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving way back in October I've already said all I'm thankful for :). My wife and our upcoming first child (due last week of March). I'm also thankful for my students at WLU who have to put up with the crazy mad easy papers I make them write for 101 Greek and 101 Roman History.