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This will be my only post for this fagget ODB


This will be my only post for this fagget ODB

Ok, well it is now 9:50 Monday night, outside of minoc you were calling guards like i was a newb. I was on a revenant, red and proud of it. Well know what? u asked for one on one. I gave it to you, i dropped you in little effort, and have it all on video and screenshots. Then, while looting, your gay little guild comes marching up, ever so galantly to flamestrike me. So while talking to you while u were dead, the only excuse you could give me why u died was, well you ran out of mana. A big big part of pvp is being resourceful, and not fucking dropping all your mana in this great combo of yours. Its as follows, poison, weaken, ebolt ebolt ebolt. Well that did absoultly dick shit friend. Btw, wtf? when i opened ur corpse it was an endless array of potions. Must suck to be as shitty as you. Fuck it im done, if you want any more so called 1 v 1 reply here you little cunt. If not stfu and plz die in rl.

-On a last note, I vow to kill any MDK member EVER.
If anyone is with me, reply to this post and show your support. Show WHO really sucks cock at this game. >MDK< and >ODB<


BaBy Boy said:
If anyone is with me, reply to this post and show your support. Show uogamers really sucks cock at this game. MDK

This post is just plain retarted dude...i may not like ODB either or you for that matter i dont even know either of you but really i dont care..
you just posted the worst topic i think iv read since i started this shard 2 months ago.

About the ending there...are you trying to say that the uogamers shard sucks at running a uo shard or what? dont quite make since to me.


No dude, this thread makes perfect since, maybe if you played long enough or read any of ODB's posts you would understand, ODB does pretty much the same thing, he talks shit about how he sabosably pwned the shit out of somone, but he doesn't give any proofe, he talks the most shit for somone who isn't a great pvper in this whole server, so Baby Boy posting this and having proofe that he obliviated ODB is great. Pretty much all in all it's ODB getting some of his own medicine back at him, but in a better way since this guy can spell.


At least someone understands how fucking gay ODB is, and earlier post had a typo. Where it said uogamers sucks cock, i meant ODB. I did fix it just letting everyone know who actually read it that it was just a typo. =] Later


mmm first off yer dumbass said you werent going to post more than once on this forum. Just have to have teh need to flame him some more...

Second off, I will gladly duel yer ass, pm me anytime mate.



I'm not seeing what the big deal is, you guys wen't one vs one. and as you said you happened to win that one for what ever reason. at which point the one vs one was over. Besides its just as dishonorable to loot after a one vs one.

PS: I saw you get FSed and i gotta say there is some comedy there.


Yah..its dishonorable to loot after a 1v1...uhm, your an idiot. 3 times yesterday, MDK wouldnt sit and 1v1 me, and had to run to their butt buddies -- It's how they pvp kids, gotta accept they are only numbers.


Stop lying to yourself green(with envy?) one example of you getting owned one vs one would be by Daz-.

Also put it like this, we are at war with 5 guilds, order, and in a faction, we don't have time to fuck around one vs one with newbie like you who run in the one vs one anyway. Its as simple as that, now you keep on whining, cuz you fucking own at that.


LMAO....mdk is a comical pvp guild. I fought them probably 6 times today and in every fight they prove how gay they really are. Its either gunslinger running at first sight of explosion or odb talking shit about chugging or reflect or protection when he uses the same spells and pots and still dies. The whole guild ive fought so far is completely newb. I remember back when uog first came out....i didnt think odb was good but i thought he was at least decent but now that i think back every time ive fought him in the last 3 months hes either dropped first dump or called in help asap. Im guessing its not the old odb that used to always whine about fair fights and honor...this is more like his kid sister.
in the great words of Sifu Chang.....PWNED
btw where is that fool sifu?


Bane said:
No dude, this thread makes perfect since, maybe if you played long enough or read any of ODB's posts you would understand, ODB does pretty much the same thing, he talks shit about how he sabosably pwned the shit out of somone, but he doesn't give any proofe, he talks the most shit for somone who isn't a great pvper in this whole server, so Baby Boy posting this and having proofe that he obliviated ODB is great. Pretty much all in all it's ODB getting some of his own medicine back at him, but in a better way since this guy can spell.
......wtf is sabosably?


DoJa- said:
Stop lying to yourself green(with envy?) one example of you getting owned one vs one would be by Daz-.

One example of getting owned is Daz- dying 2v1 to me then you dying 2v2 along with OoOoO to Geoff and I. So please dont talk.

Tay M'real

Bane said:
No dude, this thread makes perfect since, maybe if you played long enough or read any of ODB's posts you would understand, ODB does pretty much the same thing, he talks shit about how he sabosably pwned the shit out of somone.

That's the best spelling of supposedly I have ever seen...


People also have no life but the forums because i posted this over a week ago, and people still find it interesting to carry a conversation here. Im osrry but many of the players here have no life what so ever. And phirehawk, you have no room to speak about Lorthic homie. Look at your fagget ass, all you do is sit and the duelingpits. And when your fighting, do you ever go solo? NO you always have to roll with elton, wu, and many more. When they arent on, imagine that, thats the time u spend at the pits. Fagget. Learn your shit before you talk. And btw, you werent shit on OSI, you had a good conn and friends nothing more. Ask anyone that played LS true, besides your little butt buddy friends, everyone will agree you sucked rofl.