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To P F from CL


To P F from CL

I would like to be the frist to say that our fights on 10/19 were great fun. We stay waring you guys for awhile, concidering out battles are insane. Great job guys, you deserve it.

Yes you guys won that one(5P F v 4CL), but tomarrow's another day. Be prepared.:>


EDIT: I'll post some screenies later, i'm at school atm.:<
Erik- said:
I would like to be the frist to say that our fights on 10/19 were great fun. We stay waring you guys for awhile, concidering out battles are insane. Great job guys, you deserve it.


Yes you guys won that one(5P F v 4CL), but tomarrow's another day. Be prepared.:>

I don't wanna turn this into a flame thread, but I'm tempted to. The one fight where there was anything even close to even numbers, you lost. The first fight in Skara consisted of Green Sight, Phontain, PhireHawk, Elton John, and Michael Jackson... That's 5 people. Green Sight lost conn the *second* we see you, so therefore making it 4 of us. I know that there were more than 5 of you (After we initially dropped Phrost). Which means you brought in 6, plus a blue healer (MenikMenti). The remaining 4 of us got somewhat pwned, and for the next 20 minutes, little skirmishes between those who were ressed, with regs that we looted, fighting random battles until we finally pulled out to restock/regroup.

We then came back with 5 people, again, with Green's connection being very untrustworthy. Low and behold, the first person we see is your blue healer scouting the territory. We pk him outside of town, and then you show up from behind us (Nice tactic btw) hoping to gain the element of suprise, but with the superb coordination, we're able to dispose of the remaining CL accordingly.

It was good fights, but plz do not try to twist the shit saying it was even close to even that first fight. We can fight 5v4's all day, there's not a prob with it. But 4v8/9... that's when shit starts to get a little retarded, especially in an "organized" fight, where you know where and when we're gonna be.

Please don't get me wrong, I appreciate the wars, and the fighting. I just want to make sure people don't get a twisted story.

I guess I should start recording RPVs of all of this.


The fights yesterday were fun even though we got out numbered that first one and some one started ressing killing me. Oh well I got everything back after we won the second fight... kinda gotta stay neutral between the guilds cause I dont wanna get 2v1'ed when I get home! hah


We will not fight u guys no longer cuz every time u guys lose u just make up Exuses sorry u guys died the fair 5v5 at end . we got videos
Also im leaving UO soon.
I would love to see that video, sir. Please post it.

If you post a video of us in Skara, with Green dieing in less than 10 seconds, and you finally beating us all, with 5 guild-mates. I will give you 100k.

The fact is, you can't produce that, because it never happened. Even if you did bring 5 guildmates, you still had a blue healer, that was unattackable by us.

good game on the call for an even fight though?

p.s. Are you quitting cuz we got your trammy barstool? ;/


No i could care less about items im quiting cuz im sick of this shard all it is , is shit talking OMG i own u soooo bad omg . and i didnt say at Beginning and we didnt attack u when he lost con cuz he Lost con then ran again like 5 secs after u all ran any way so dont use ur lame exuses u dumb ass
Uhm, roflmao. He was the first one to drop. So if you wern't attacking, how come he died? We must have been attacking him.

It prolly was Wu, he likes to switch sides mid-fight.





PhireHawk said:
Uhm, roflmao. He was the first one to drop. So if you wern't attacking, how come he died? We must have been attacking him.

It prolly was Wu, he likes to switch sides mid-fight.


He cliented like u said then 4 ran behind a wall he didnt then he got back on and ran behind wall with u guys sure we Targeted him first cuz was Eazy to get him on last Target


when u say quit kenny u mean make a new character and attempt to have a new identity

but ya anyways lets see these videos

it will be kind of hard for u to edit out phrost a blue healer and poon but fuck lets see if u can!

and before u say these people werent here well i killed phrost... and the blue healer... and i was talking to poon and he was telling me he was DUAL clienting yes he was at poker but he was also pvping


Sir Elton John said:
when u say quit kenny u mean make a new character and attempt to have a new identity

but ya anyways lets see these videos

it will be kind of hard for u to edit out phrost a blue healer and poon but fuck lets see if u can!

and before u say these people werent here well i killed phrost... and the blue healer... and i was talking to poon and he was telling me he was DUAL clienting yes he was at poker but he was also pvping

Elton u have proven ur self a newb by calling for even fights and bringing more then we agreed on . and sure we had blue guy there first time but 2nd time he was just checking to see if u guys were there and he told us u guys were newbs with 2 many peeps and Precasting MS and were to pussy to come in town


Obviously you guys cannot take a compliment. I say congratulations on beating us and you turn around and try to flame us. Fuck that, i'm trying to be cool here and all you care about is how bad you fucking "pwnzour" us.


Just some facts that I know about our fights....

CL says they had 5 and that Poon and Phrost weren't there for the first fight.

1) Phrost was the first person we killed.
2) Poon res killed me when I was going to try and get some loot to rejoin the fight. (I don't care about that btw, they were just making sure they had numbers on us)

So if they say they only had 5 people and I just proved Phrost and Poon were there that is...

5 + 2 = .... oh ya 7

At the beginning of the fight Green started running behind us as he was the first target then as he gets cure up so we can heal him he stops moving completely and doesnt hit his cure. The only thing I can think of is losing conn because atleast 2 of us had gheal up..why wouldnt he cure otherwise?

Then as we turn and try to pick off one of CL we find that..oh my they have a blue healer? Hmm no way to take him out or to stop him from healing them.

Next I die to some well placed para's and my lack of pop pouches(seems to happen often).
Phire dies, I'm not sure how as I was attempting to res and go loot my corpse but ended up being res killed 3 times.

At this point it is 2( Elton John and Phontain) vs 5 CL and a Blue Healer. Elton and Phontain are sitting on the other side of the skara docks when the CL people come across with pre casted spells from FS to MB and drop Phontain instantly. Elton escapes so he can res/gate us out to restock.

Second fight we are in skara on the other side of docks with 5 people. As we are waiting for them to come back for another fight, their blue healer comes across and scouts how many are there and what spells and other things we are doing. They claim they didn't know we had 5, but elton told them in aim messages. We decide to PK this character because we know when CL got there he would heal them and try and PK us. After we have just finished that, CL comes from behind us (good tactic) and we start doing what P F does best and pick them off 1 by 1 while keeping each other alive and the only one to get away was Poon (he seems to be good at living :<)

Just some facts that I remember from the fights that night and I know it's long but if ya want to know what happened there it is.

Peace from Neverland :<
Michael Jackson said:
Just some facts that I know about our fights....

CL says they had 5 and that Poon and Phrost weren't there for the first fight.

1) Phrost was the first person we killed.
2) Poon res killed me when I was going to try and get some loot to rejoin the fight. (I don't care about that btw, they were just making sure they had numbers on us)

So if they say they only had 5 people and I just proved Phrost and Poon were there that is...

5 + 2 = .... oh ya 7

At the beginning of the fight Green started running behind us as he was the first target then as he gets cure up so we can heal him he stops moving completely and doesnt hit his cure. The only thing I can think of is losing conn because atleast 2 of us had gheal up..why wouldnt he cure otherwise?

Then as we turn and try to pick off one of CL we find that..oh my they have a blue healer? Hmm no way to take him out or to stop him from healing them.

Next I die to some well placed para's and my lack of pop pouches(seems to happen often).
Phire dies, I'm not sure how as I was attempting to res and go loot my corpse but ended up being res killed 3 times.

At this point it is 2( Elton John and Phontain) vs 5 CL and a Blue Healer. Elton and Phontain are sitting on the other side of the skara docks when the CL people come across with pre casted spells from FS to MB and drop Phontain instantly. Elton escapes so he can res/gate us out to restock.

Second fight we are in skara on the other side of docks with 5 people. As we are waiting for them to come back for another fight, their blue healer comes across and scouts how many are there and what spells and other things we are doing. They claim they didn't know we had 5, but elton told them in aim messages. We decide to PK this character because we know when CL got there he would heal them and try and PK us. After we have just finished that, CL comes from behind us (good tactic) and we start doing what P F does best and pick them off 1 by 1 while keeping each other alive and the only one to get away was Poon (he seems to be good at living :<)

Just some facts that I remember from the fights that night and I know it's long but if ya want to know what happened there it is.

Peace from Neverland :<

Bam. You forgot to mention that Wu and I were also dumping on Green, but he stole my kill. And you forgot to mention the free green trammy barstool a GM must have gave Wu, for killing the infamous Kenny-. *edit, and for you idiots out there... /sarcasm.

That about sums it up though.
Kenny- said:
Elton u have proven ur self a newb by calling for even fights and bringing more then we agreed on . and sure we had blue guy there first time but 2nd time he was just checking to see if u guys were there and he told us u guys were newbs with 2 many peeps and Precasting MS and were to pussy to come in town

Elton: bring 5
Kenny: we have 4
Elton: k

that was our conversation

u had more then 5 in ur teamspeak u had a blue healer who sure as hell would of fought(went grey like the first round of fighghting/skirmishes) and healed in that second fight this was ur decision for not bringing another person

i am not telling anyone of my guildmates to sit out a fight when the guild we were just fighting and about to fight again had more people then us in the first round

u had him scout to begin with u KNEW what we had YOU still came if this was some big problem for u then u should of left

but anyways im done now this thread has got fucking retarded neither of us are gonna agree with each other and im damn sick of trying to read whatever the hell ur trying to say so fuck it ill leave it at this
Erik- said:
Obviously you guys cannot take a compliment. I say congratulations on beating us and you turn around and try to flame us. Fuck that, i'm trying to be cool here and all you care about is how bad you fucking "pwnzour" us.

I said thanks, and then proceeded to defend my guild in what I can only consider tongue-in-cheek slanderous remarks. ;/


Sir Elton John said:
Elton: bring 5
Kenny: we have 4
Elton: k

that was our conversation

u had more then 5 in ur teamspeak u had a blue healer who sure as hell would of fought(went grey like the first round of fighghting/skirmishes) and healed in that second fight this was ur decision for not bringing another person

i am not telling anyone of my guildmates to sit out a fight when the guild we were just fighting and about to fight again had more people then us in the first round

u had him scout to begin with u KNEW what we had YOU still came if this was some big problem for u then u should of left

but anyways im done now this thread has got fucking retarded neither of us are gonna agree with each other and im damn sick of trying to read whatever the hell ur trying to say so fuck it ill leave it at this

Sure we knew u had more but we figured fuck it lets just go cuz were not little bitches and i liked the MS Oh well shit happens i could care less and yea the blue was there to see who u guys had and notice u guys couldnt go in town are u guys scared of not casting MS ??? ohwell im going back to EQ have fun Shaun u gotta get some more Ram and come play EQ with me Peace this should be my last post

