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town prices

Jim O'Leary

town prices

minax, please reclame your towns, every single town has a 300% tax rate. i have to go to Del to buy anything, and its crowded as hell. please reclaim your towns and set the taxes to a reasonable level.


rofl, no offence, but there are tons of towns that are not influenced by factions other than del :) how about papua for example? :)

Afro Man

Once CoM has a sufficient amount of silver in certain towns they will drop the taxes. Just wait, or find a new place to shop.


Minax having towns is why the taxes are so high, they wasted massive amounts of silver, as did the TB controlled towns, due to ODB et al beign a bunch of fuckin' spoons.

Deal with it for a few weeks while we gather enough silver for the economy of said towns to survive having vendors etc. placed then taxes of some will be set to -300% for cheaper goods.

Thankyou for your patience.


P.S. Minax wont recapture towns as GoD have given up, if you ahve a problem with this, take it up with them.


DementedJester said:
Minax having towns is why the taxes are so high, they wasted massive amounts of silver, as did the TB controlled towns, due to ODB et al beign a bunch of fuckin' spoons.

TB didnt waist silver at all we placed 3 vendors total and no guards itr was PF that drained our silver get your facts right dipshit



Minax wont recapture towns as GoD have given up, if you ahve a problem with this, take it up with them.

Not totally true. With the holidays and such we have a lot of people away for a little while. I may be the only GoD on the next couple of days, but I'm workin on keeping the sigils from getting corrupted. =P


Dyani said:
Not totally true. With the holidays and such we have a lot of people away for a little while. I may be the only GoD on the next couple of days, but I'm workin on keeping the sigils from getting corrupted. =P

God Forbid you pvp with a group less then 15 :rolleyes:


Umg.Let's see...
CoM was in full control, or actually they just lost a few sigils to Minax (In which I was during that time)
After the wipe.
CoM was nothing but tablescraps. Only the few who stood up and fight we're me and a few friends, allthough we couldnt keep CoM from being down to -100 points.
Few weeks after the wipe.
IC joins back in CoM and CoM regains full control.
The upcoming weeks untill christmas.
Factions will be the same as they were. With most towns being cheap again, and CoM back in the lead again. The only change I noticed is being in CoM now, with a kickass guild.
My point? The wipe was pretty useless but then again fun for the first few days. If you want things to go cheap again. Visit del for now and have patience. The cheap vendors will return.



I've been out fighting on my own quite a bit lately and when I'm severly outnumbered (which is the majority of the time now) I go to the duel pits. I do what keeps the game for fun me. Once you get off that TB bandwagon which the majority of people join you can critique me on playing with my guild or dueling.


Yes, -30%.

I've placed vendors in Skara and will lower the prices when i can be bothered.

Dynni - Minax is pretty much dead without GoD. Thankfully MDK are leaving TB to join Minax (apparently) so it'll get a bit of life injected into it.
A mix of GoD/MDK = MDk follows GoD around and tries to steal their points, GoD strand MDK making it a fair fight, MDK dies.
So basically how it is in TB atm - MDK follows DJs/31D around, 31D and DJs get annoyed, 31D and Djs war MDK, MDK die.

End result will always be the same - MDK Dies.