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Tramelites > Factions

Danny Boy

Tramelites > Factions

All you need is 2 Perfect Mares, about 20 each cure and heal pots, a couple dozen bolas - constant reflect up. A nice Recall, All Follow Me macro, and an All Kill macro to OWNER ROXXOR THE FACTION WORLD OF UOGAMERS!!!!!

and ofcourse, finger muscles :rolleyes:

An Old Lady

It's alot harder to play a tamer now just an FYI. Try loosing two hours of working up mares everytime they die. If you lost 2 points of skill everytime you died you would know what I'm talkind about.
And if a party has 1 bard...?

Tamers > mage/fighter
bard > tamer
mage/fighter > bard

And most the times tamer = bard, So you just need to have a tamer in your group. It's like war, the tamers move slowly, as do tanks. And you can't beat tanks without, either:

a) disipline
b) heaps of guy
c) another tank.

An Old Lady

Another tactic that works. When we used to fight IC tamers all the guys focus fire on the tamer no matter what, no cross healing just all all out attack till the tamers die. One of your group will die but so should the tamer.


BraveLungs said:
All you need is 2 Perfect Mares, about 20 each cure and heal pots, a couple dozen bolas - constant reflect up. A nice Recall, All Follow Me macro, and an All Kill macro to OWNER ROXXOR THE FACTION WORLD OF UOGAMERS!!!!!

and ofcourse, finger muscles :rolleyes:

so your saying you need 70 things...
2 mares,
20 cure pots
20 heal pots
24 bolas
recall macro
all follow me macro
all kill macro

aparently its not that easy if you have to worrie about 70 things...

but then you need the all stop macro, the aids to heal them with, regs, stam potions, a good eye on your mares...

so you got 70 things.. plus 20 stam pots... 90 things... about 35 each reg... we will just say 8 things on that one... so we got 98 so far... the stop macro.. 99... and a good eye..

boom 100 things... but wait.. did i forget the aids... 100+25 = 125...

just stop bitching because you got killed by a tamer... try to make a tamer... they are hard as fuck and so anoying to pvp with....

you always lose them
people always kill them
people luer them away.... always...
every time they die you lose endless hours of work...
everyone runs so you HAVE to use bolas..
bolas cost a shitload to make and buy...
if you do lose a fight... you get greifed and verbaly "owned"...

try making a tamer befor you bitch about them.... im sure your gona say "no, im not cheap enough to use a tamer".... make one... try it.... then STFU....


Vas Griffith said:
what good are you when you waste all your mana trieng to kill one tamer, and half your party is damaged from no xhealing?
When you have about 3 people against IC going for a tamer all it is whats needed.
If you stop to X heal and the tamer lives then your all going to die. I can understand you wouldnt know anything about fighting uneven odds.

An Old Lady

Vas Griffith said:
what good are you when you waste all your mana trieng to kill one tamer, and half your party is damaged from no xhealing?

Back when IC used to play the only tactic that worked against them was taking out tamers first or getting on our tamers. If you try to x heal someone getting attacked by two 7x mares you roughly have to heal off 80 points of damage every 2 seconds and if you lucky he might survive. You seem to forget mares can keep up with a person on foot and they cast 6/7th lvl spells, plus firbreath and melle attack. Trying to heal off two 7x mares is stupid. The best thing to do is take out the tamer or recall. And don't give me none of that para the mare bullshit, that doesn;t work if you want you can try it on me. Theres no point in running or healing when you have a tamer spamming bolas, mares attacking and mages casting para on the guy on foot.

If you all run in and explo ebolt the tamer after he bolas most likly he'll be too busy attacking and will his friends. Once the tamer is dead the fight becomes even and you can start x healing/using regular tactics.

Danny Boy

Phantom16 said:
so your saying you need 70 things...
2 mares,
20 cure pots
20 heal pots
24 bolas
recall macro
all follow me macro
all kill macro

aparently its not that easy if you have to worrie about 70 things...

but then you need the all stop macro, the aids to heal them with, regs, stam potions, a good eye on your mares...

so you got 70 things.. plus 20 stam pots... 90 things... about 35 each reg... we will just say 8 things on that one... so we got 98 so far... the stop macro.. 99... and a good eye..

boom 100 things... but wait.. did i forget the aids... 100+25 = 125...

just stop bitching because you got killed by a tamer... try to make a tamer... they are hard as fuck and so anoying to pvp with....

you always lose them
people always kill them
people luer them away.... always...
every time they die you lose endless hours of work...
everyone runs so you HAVE to use bolas..
bolas cost a shitload to make and buy...
if you do lose a fight... you get greifed and verbaly "owned"...

try making a tamer befor you bitch about them.... im sure your gona say "no, im not cheap enough to use a tamer".... make one... try it.... then STFU....

lol if you don't know me, I got 2 tamers and that is basically all I go around with hahaah
other than the fact that i log onto my archer a couple times to own with my perfect vanq bows, and then i log onto my maker to make more bolas and kegs and pots :) and I got one tamer that is leet pvper normal, and the other is a bard/tamer/ w/ hiding :p to farm money to get regs

Danny Boy

An Old Lady said:
Back when IC used to play the only tactic that worked against them was taking out tamers first or getting on our tamers. If you try to x heal someone getting attacked by two 7x mares you roughly have to heal off 80 points of damage every 2 seconds and if you lucky he might survive. You seem to forget mares can keep up with a person on foot and they cast 6/7th lvl spells, plus firbreath and melle attack. Trying to heal off two 7x mares is stupid. The best thing to do is take out the tamer or recall. And don't give me none of that para the mare bullshit, that doesn;t work if you want you can try it on me. Theres no point in running or healing when you have a tamer spamming bolas, mares attacking and mages casting para on the guy on foot.

If you all run in and explo ebolt the tamer after he bolas most likly he'll be too busy attacking and will his friends. Once the tamer is dead the fight becomes even and you can start x healing/using regular tactics.

you know what I found a better tactics was? and I'll number them from greatest to least priority

#1 x-heal amongst group
#2 dump on tamer [use FS scrolls]
#3 if tamer sets mares on someone, invis them
#4 continue dump of FS, 2 FS per person :p
#5 continue steps #1-#4

my point is keep x-healing
FS the tamers
invis the person being attacked rather than heal em, do both but try n invis them first so mares are off