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Trinsic - State of Affairs

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Trinsic - State of Affairs

This is a transcription of a conversation I held with Tomas O'Neelan about the events currently taking place within the walls of the city of Trinsic. Please read, as I'm sure it will offer you as much insight as it did to me.

Many days have passed since the city of Trinsic was over-run by the undead scourge, this you may know. What you may not know is how or why it came to be. Let me start by telling you why I am still in this god forsaken place, I can see you are curious. In truth I am indirectly at fault for the current state of affairs, and so I agreed to be an internal contact to a small group of mages that works to find a way to rid us of this scourge.

While investigating the town I discovered a notebook hidden within the floorboards of a room in The Travelers Inn. Though vague the journal did offer some insight as to how all of this came to be, I have since passed this notebook on to the mages in hopes that the answer to our problem lies within its pages. Perhaps they will see something that I missed.

It would seem that many months ago, a rather foolish neophyte necromancer discovered an odd scroll during his travels, though he could not decipher the archaic symbols writ upon it he felt confident in his ability, he was entranced by the image of the beast drawn upon the scroll. After weeks of fastidiously studying ancient tomes the necromancer translated the first few lines of the scroll and found it to contain instructions, for what he was unsure.

The following month his research continued and slowly he began to translate the scroll. Though rough, he did manage to completely decipher it. He discovered that the instructions were for a massive summoning, a powerful familiar unlike any he had ever seen. The instructions also contained a list of materials to be used in constructing a small effigy of the figure drawn upon the scroll, required for the summoning.

The necromancer felt confident in his magical abilities, but was not so arrogant to believe he could construct such an effigy himself. He began to search the land for the required components, and also for a craftsman accomplished enough to recreate in detail the creature depicted. As he searched, he was told by many that they did not believe they could recreate such a detailed work and as such he continued on searching for one who could. This continued for many weeks until he came to the town of Trinsic. This is where he found his craftsman. How a simple toy maker could craft things of such detail and beauty he did not know but one thing was for certain, I was the man who could sculpt this effigy for him.

In retrospect, I suppose I should have suspected that something was amiss when I gazed upon the scroll but was captivated by the figure and agreed immediately. I set to work that night with the material the man had provided. The clay I was given appeared to be an alchemical concoction, common clay mixed with multiple crushed herbs and other strange bits, some of them appeared to be quite hazardous. I worked like a mad man for the following week until I had perfectly recreated the beastly figure. I would have to say it was the finest piece I had ever done but had I known this odd sculpture would bring about such an evil, I most certainly would have destroyed it before the man could come to retrieve it. Obviously, I did not.

The journal went on to state that the necromancer would begin the summoning ritual that night, within the confines of his room at the Inn. Though there is more, the final writing within the journal tells of the creature he summoned, a large Imp, much larger than any he had ever seen in his travels. He writes of feeling more powerful than he had before the ritual. He also tells of how the Imp can pass thoughts to him. Seemingly increasing his intelligence. The last line states that he will begin his journey home in the morning, and begin an attempt to reproduce this scroll in hope that his associates may also gain such a power.

From what we have gathered, the Imp was nothing more than a tool, sent forth by the dark Lord of Hell in order to find a person to brainwash into summoning the Lord himself. As far as we can tell, this is exactly what has taken place. The necromancer is no more, his body offered to bring Klael into this world.

The group of mages, as well as the survivors of the initial attack of undead on Trinsic, has constructed barriers both physical and magical in hopes of containing this army of darkness within the confines of the town. Though I have not yet spotted Klael I fear it is only a matter of time, I only hope the mages find something before it is too late.


So, it seems after months of work the group of mages may have come to a conclusion. It also appears that
our necromancer friend was far more stupid than he thought. He did indeed open the portal of summoning, and
I'm sure most of you know what has become since then. Demons of the highest order have befouled our lovely
city, awaiting the arrival of thier master. This master shall never arrive as the portal is much to small.

For now that is.

The mages require the following regents to complete the summoning so they may draw the Demon Lord into this
world and destroy him and his grip on Trinsic.

-All regents collected

Preparation for summoning begins
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