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Trixx Rabbit

Trixx Rabbit

Hey Trixx, why don't you try earning some of those points instead of putting newb chars in Com and killing them for points. I counted 8 bodies around your char way over on the south end of Com base where you were standing, so i brought in a ghost and there were actually 12 ghosts still standing there that had not logged out of world yet. GG man, you are leet.


Suck my dick hh-executioner -Trixsta

Im Not a faggit Comp nerd like your self i have life wtf would i macro some pnts i roll in style suck a dick Newbie find me some time well duel... on that note im a leggit a it gets faggit get a life.
Whatever you say fella, the GM who was paged saw all the bones right where you had been. However, you logged before the GM got there. Next time, I wont warn you I am paging. That was my bad. But it is cool cause dude, I have killed you so many times now it aint even funny. Keep getting the points however way you can, cause at least everytime I kill you, I get a point. LMAO
First of all are you seriously that big of a baby to page if someone cheats for points? I do believe this game has a age requirement... please follow it kid. 2ndly i highly doubt trix cheats, he is always around 17-23 or pts or so and he doesnt get like 8 in one day all back.


Trix is a fucking newbie :>
He was a fucking newbie on TC and he's a fucking newbie here. Delta is actually less or a newb than him, that's how much of a newbie he is.
Posting ODB style is teh PHUN!

Big Swanger

Chronic420 said:
Im Not a faggit Comp nerd like your self i have life wtf would i macro some pnts i roll in style suck a dick Newbie find me some time well duel... on that note im a leggit a it gets faggit get a life.

ROFL!! funniest post ive ever read. thanks for the laugh. im suprised no one as brought up the fact that you cant spell or use punctuation. also the fact that people like to bring weed into a video game message board. your not impressing anyone mr Chronic 420 !! rawr!!!. ...........i would say somthing about your char trixx rabbit but hes just some no namer ive never heard of.


Why bring his spelling into it, Im laughing at the fact he says hes not some computer nerd, And immiediatly asks for a duel... Lol kinda ironic, And you cant sterio-type UO players. There is a variety of people playing uo.


Chronic420 said:
Im Not a faggit Comp nerd like your self i have life wtf would i macro some pnts i roll in style suck a dick Newbie find me some time well duel... on that note im a leggit a it gets faggit get a life.

I think I should pray for this child. It seems as though god has frowned upon him.