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Tru is officialy back in buisness.


typical responce from a moron such as your self diamond.
you cant even kill folken's fat ass lvl so how can you say 5-6 of them?
hell, you havnt even beat me lvl. roflmapotamous.


Phontain said:

That doesn't even make sense, and you look very ignorant. Sad.

Oh, and good job beating up that third grader at the flag pole. Your parole officer must be proud.

Phont: "What the fuck you laughing at, kid?"
Kid: "Nothing.. your ass just droops.. like it's really open or something."
Phont: "EXCUSE ME?! RARGH RAR *punch*"
Kid: "Help! Somebody, help!"
Phont:"Owned, kid. Never talk to me like that again."

I also heard that Phontain spends time in bed with his mother's daughter.