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U know ur old


Man I got a letter that was about saving for my pension a few months ago... and a guy I had psychology class with (kinda like community college, but for degrees from high school) wanted to meet up for a coffee... Like... That's grown-up stuff... It can only go down-hill from here :(


Man I got a letter that was about saving for my pension a few months ago... and a guy I had psychology class with (kinda like community college, but for degrees from high school) wanted to meet up for a coffee... Like... That's grown-up stuff... It can only go down-hill from here :(


Code Blue

LOL man... the day someone laughs at me for that......... it will break my heart

I remember when thundercats and He-Man was on tv haha!



I remember when thundercats and He-Man was on tv haha!

I actually didn't watch those shows. Although I watched shit ton of Dexter's laboratory, Swat Cats, some show about... rats or something? Believe I had toys from that francise, Power Rangers, Cow & Chicken and a shit ton of other Cartoon Network shows, Astrid Lindgren (yea baby), Disney...... fuck... I wanna be a kid again :(

EDIT: Not that Disney or Astrid Lindgren counts since they made movies lol .... Oh wait.. DuckTales, QuackPack and I'm sure I'm missing some...

I must have spent hours upon hours of watching TV. No wonder my attention span is shorter than... something. Idk. Don't have the patience to come up with something.


I remember when there was no mobile phones, and when my parents bought their first computer (200mhz pentium 2) with a state of the art 56k modem !!


I remember we used to go outside as kids: Nobody stayed inside to play on the computer sincei tcomputers sucked balls

Sometimes we would go inside and play some Nintendo, but with nintendo you can only play for 30 minutes tops before you are completely bored

Then its back outside to dig in dirt with the shiny spoon given to me for my birthday from poor parents

pete liv

i feel old. but i also feel smart. all the kids in my old neighborhood are all dope fiend fuck ups. my highschool is totally fucked these days with blacks and asians. all my friends are having kids, while not being prepared. i work my ass off for everything i have and appreciate it all. i do feel old though. it feels like i got old at just the right time.

zoo york

Man I got a letter that was about saving for my pension a few months ago... and a guy I had psychology class with (kinda like community college, but for degrees from high school) wanted to meet up for a coffee... Like... That's grown-up stuff... It can only go down-hill from here :(

If your company offers any kind of matching get on that asap. Put your money in a nice index fund. Vanguard total market funds are the bomb.