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ummmmmmmmmm wtf


ummmmmmmmmm wtf

this copy and pasted outta the factions page on myuog...

Faction Guild Rankings
Guild Faction Kill Points
Deadly Intentions [DI] ([DI) Minax 257
The Inner Council ([IC) Council of Mages 243
DeathJesters [War Us] (DJs) True Britannians 183
Murder Death Kill (MDK) True Britannians 168
Pacific's Finest (P F) True Britannians 153
Black Ops (CiA) Council of Mages 122
Guardians of Destiny (G0D) Minax 111
Advocates of War (W@R) Shadowlords 76
A Bloody Tampon (ABT) Minax 65
$A$ ver TB www (?A?) None 60

^how does a guild have 60 points, but it's not in a faction?? :confused:


my guess is it'll fix itself, hes probably out of the faction but hasn't logged in or something

or perhaps the MyUOG update happened right as he left faction or something?

probably some type of concurrency problem